
Is there any good diets that involve cheese cake??

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Is there any good diets that involve cheese cake??




  1. I only eat bacon, cheesecake and ramen. No problems so far. Oh and beer too.

    I actually spent one fall developing cheesecake recipes and I was eating a 10" by 2" cake every week.  I was working very hard at the time though and never put any weight on.  Blueberry cheesecake, Kalua Cheese Cake, marbled cheese cake, Chambord cheese cake, Choc Chip cheese cake.

    If you look at the ingredients it's really not that bad if you stay clear of other sweets and cut back on cheese.

  2. See-food diet.

  3. Nothing good involves cheese... So i doubt it.

  4. Vegan Cheescake :

    1 package of graham crackers .

    1 tsp. ground cinnamon .

    1/4 cup non-hydrogenated margarine .

    2 lb. extra-firm tofu .

    1/2 cup plus 2 TB. unbleached sugar .

    1/2 cup pure maple syrup .

    3 TB. pure vanilla extract .

    3 TB. fresh lemon juice .

    zest of two lemons .

    1/3 cup tofu sour cream . (tofutti)

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