
Is there any good films out at the moment in the UK?

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Is there any good films out at the moment in the UK?




  1. i like this film Alot and its called ' don't mess with the zohan' and 'Wild child' there both coming out on the 15th. DONT MISS IT DUDE.

  2. i watched adulthood last week, best film ive seen in ages , a must see film if u've watched kidadulthood

  3. Mama Mia


    The Dark Knight

  4. the dark knight is one of the best movies i've ever seen. a bit long (2 n half hours i think) and my 5 yo brother got a bit bored but amazing film everyone must watch.

  5. The Dark Knight its the new Batman movie its awesome

  6. mamma mia, wall-e, the love guru, the dark knight, wild child, h**l boy 2...theres quite a lot on at the moment

  7. batman- the dark knight, mamma mia, mummy 2, wall-e, meet dave, space chimps, hellboy 2

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