
Is there any good home remedies for a hangover ?

by  |  earlier

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Something that will work quick as i got work in an hour and cant be coffee as dont like it




  1. Well I dont know any thing to do besides sleeping; however, when you are drinking keep yourself hydrated with water.

    I dont drink on an empty stomach and I chase whatever I'm drinking with water... For instance, I'll have a martini and once Im done I'll drink some water.  It also aids in flushing your system.

  2. yeh dont drink in the first place to you get in such a state.

    hope it was worth it.

  3. Sleep

  4. a donut and ibuprofen

  5. Alkaseltzer, V-8, Bacon & eggs have helped me in the past. It's not a complete cure, but it does make me feel better. Good luck.

  6. aspirin and water before you sleep

  7. 1 Beer.

  8. You get a hangover due to dehydration. Next time you drink, make sure to have some water throughout the night to keep you hydrated. As far now, there's very little you can do. Water and sleep is what I usually do though.

  9. banana and chocolate and lots of water

  10. I would try eating some saltines and drinking water. Also i've heard that eating honey helps too.

  11. sleep or a shower

  12. Water or juice, and EGGS

  13. tomato juice and a shot of vodka

  14. Keep drinking.

  15. Coke and Mortrin

    FYI next time...Eat a piece a bread and bite lime before you drink this prevents hang-overs

    LOL From a Mexican this works

  16. Just don't drink

  17. A bloody mary

  18. Lots of water and lots of sleep!!!!

  19. ok wat you need is 2 krispy creme donuts and a caffinated soda. take a shower.

    ibueprofen always helps

  20. plenty of liquid - like juice & water - and rest.

    let the alcohol be diluted or pass thru your system

  21. Take one shot of whiskey and a hot shower. The whiskey will dull the headache, and the shower, aside from making you smell better, will actually make you sweat some of the toxins out. Also drink some juice.

    Hypoglycemia, dehydration, acetaldehyde intoxication, and vitamin B12

    That is what a hangover is in some respect so, eat something with sugar in it, that should help the hypoglycemia, drink fluids and water to hepl the dehydration, eggs can help with the b-12

    check this list on wiki under possible beneficial remedies:

    good luck with work.

  22. lots of protein - fish, chicken or another meat.

    fresh food and orange juice

    hope you feel better soon

  23. I agree with the first person.  Have a beer or a small glass of wine.  However, the best answer is not to drink to excess.

  24. This happened to me all I could do was rest, avoid coffee, drink plenty of orange juice.  I learn a lesson.

    An old elderly person told me to eat greasy food prior to drinking and I will not have a hangover the next day.

  25. real spicy chili can alleviate pain.  chili powder has a chemical called capsaicin that causes the heat but it also has some painkilling properties.  it's also being studied to kill cancer cells.

  26. loads of water and also bananas cos of the protein!

  27. Fluids, aspirin, rest.

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