
Is there any good reason to advocate equality?

by Guest56940  |  earlier

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Here's the problem, equality as a concept is merely an outcomes based indicator of when things are level.

By definition it is the state of being equal. That could be in rights, opportunities and of course outcomes

However, as far as I can see these are observations NOT reasons why we should have equal rights and opportunities or let's say equal outcomes too for the sake of argument. They're all equal but why do we accept some and reject others?

The main REASON equal rights and opportunities is so quickly accepted is because it is equitable and fair. Equal outcomes aren't unless they were achieved through equal opportunities because that would be unfair to just give everyone equal outcomes yet that too is equality.

Therefore if we reject what is one of the most fundamental points of what it is to have equality why bother using the concept at all in regards to gender and racial issues? Maybe because it sounds good?




  1. Yep there is.

  2. The main problem here is that people overlook alot of the factors that contribute to "equal opportunity." Just becasue there are no legal hindrances, doesn't mean that society isn't still systematically discriminating against one group. Just because women are allowed to go to school, etc. doesn't mean they're not subject to the prevailing misogyny, which, I might add, is just as rampant in the legal system, which is why what you might consider legitimate claims of inequality are rarely dealt with.

  3. Because people have gotten so used to saying "equality" that the word "equity" would just mix everything up.

  4. i didn't read it all, but the reason for equality isn't to create equal outcomes or anything like that.  it is to make sure that humanity gets the advantage of the contributions of all who are capable of contributing.  what if some oppressed, starving haitian would have found the cure for cancer if he/she had enough food to eat and education.  if opportunity isn't equal, humans all suffer.  because a bunch of humans are not allowed to contribute fully.  that's the point.

  5. The pendulum has swung too far one way these last 30 years. I fear if it doesn't balance out soon......

            Truth of the matter ignore the puppet feminists here. Real feminist advocates(professors,feminist organizations,feminist lobbyist's) are all pushing for equal outcome.

          If they keep pushing I believe civil conflict perhaps even civil war would be inevitable.

    So in that respect I agree that working for equal opportunity is a worthwhile goal.

  6. nobody's advocating for equal outcomes - it's only about equal opportunities.  i'm not sure if outcomes can ever be determined if equal or not because there are way too many variables involved nor even if anyone's interested in the outcome.  it's about human rights, not who can make the most widgets.  advocating for equality affects the entrance - not the exit which is determined by what happens inbetween.

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