
Is there any good sights of poetry?

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Is there any good sights of poetry?




  1. Hi Nancy.

    What do you want to do; read, write, learn?

    Here's a site filled with cool links:

    If you want to read:

    Their only drawback is all the pop-ups, but a poet's got to make a living somehow.

    If you want honest critique in a timely manner, right here at Yahoo! is where to go. Between all the fluff, you will find smart people giving accurate assessments.


  2. I assume you mean are there any good poetry sites.  Most are spotty, including the one where you have posted this question, and I offer only a gentle caveat to the reader.  Praise is not the sine qua non of aesthetic achievement on such a site.  Peer review by those untrained to pass judgment is next to meaningless.  Some of the better poets on this site are Grannyjill, C.S. Scotkin, TD Euwaite (when the mood strikes him), Robert Harrison, and myself (and a few others).  You will find their poetry interesting, thoughtful, and melodic, full of sound and sense.  I personally would recommend that you begin with published poetry from your local bookstore.  Read widely and sensitively, and commit poems to memory.  As Yeats said, "Nor is there singing school, but studying / Monuments of its own magnificence."  

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