
Is there any health care insurance specifically for college students?

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Are there any insurance companies that offer cheaper rates for college students?




  1. Check out the Blue Cross Tonik plans geared to young folks.  

    Here's the link:

  2. It is pretty easy to find a cheap college student health insurance plan (under $50/month) if you shop around.

    Compare the plan that is offered through your school (if they offer a plan) with plans from reputable companies like Aetna, Blue Cross, United Healthcare, Humana, etc.

    Here is some more information on finding a college student health insurance plan:

  3. i know generally you can get insurance through school.. but, some of the major carriers (like the one i work for) offer alumni plans.. which wont really help you if you are currently enrolled =/ but like the other person said, typically university students are fairly healthy and could get a high deductible or HSA plan at a fairly cheap price.

  4. i think you probably needs cheapest one  for it you need to compare  plans of various health insurance companies

  5. Yes, many universities and colleges have self funded plans... Check with the school.  Their rates are usually lower than individual or indemnity plans.

  6. Yes, you can find it through the insurance company your family uses or you can get it through the university

  7. Typically student government or some such department within the college or university contracts with one of the insurers to offer a student health policy. Like all other policies, that organization will design what they want to include and they will submit it for bid. Interested companies will bid on it and then a choice is made--which could be no choice I guess.

    There are companies that TEND to do student insurance policies, but the big insurers like Blue Cross will also typically bid as well.

    If your college/university doesn't do this, they should.

    In the meantime, most insurance offers coverage for full-time college students on parents' policies until I believe 23. A few may select a different age. When you "age out" though, that's it--doesn't matter if you're busy working on your doctorate.

    You might also want to check on things such as HSA (health savings accounts) high-deductible plans through an independent agent or through on the Net.

    Typically college students are pretty healthy and will qualify and get decent premiums.

    You do want to get something decent and I would hang on to it for life--when you are insured through your employer there are some bad things that can happen because of the way the ERISA shield is interpreted. (Read Jamie Court's Making a Killing book

    You can also call around the large insurers and see if they have better rates for college students--you never know, but school is where you typically would start. After you graduate OR when the insurer stops offering a policy, you MAY be offered a chance to sign up with that company--typically it will be a good rate. Grab it. Do auto pay so you can't be turned down for failure to pay in case you ever become seriously ill or injured.

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