
Is there any health danger from the insertion of a finger into a woman's a**s?

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My girlfriend becomes nervous when I insert a lubricated finger into her r****m. She is worried that:

-I will contract some sort of infection based on passage of fecal bacteria through the skin of my finger into my bloodstream

-She will suffer some sort of irritation of the inside of her r****m because of the lubricant that we use (usually KY Jelly)

Anyhow, these fears prevent her from relaxing when I do this with her, and I'm sure that the tension of the muscles in that area makes insertion uncomfortable.

Aside from getting drunk, what can I do to put her at ease when we share this particular activity? What does science say when it comes to these issues?

My goal is to stimulate the underside of her vaginal canal from the back (the rectal canal), but she is rarely able to relax enough to enjoy this sensation.




  1. You should pay attention to what she likes!

    That type of stimulation is not a general rule to apply to all women.

    Do not be stubborn!

  2. you can spread bacteria / germs from your finger to her r****m and she can definitly spread bacteria / f***s from her r****m to your finger/hands.  You too need to wash very good before and after.  Especially those fingers and hands.

  3. GROSS!!

  4. sick perv ask what she likes

  5. There really isn't any "infection" that you could get from it.

    I really don't think that's what she is really worried about though. She is trying to be nice and make it sound that she is worried for your safety, what she really means is that she is not comfortable with this kind of play. That is the real reason that she is tense. Not everyone likes this and some it makes them rather uncomfortable. Ask her what she likes, not what you want to do..

  6. yucks!

    you like to hit it from the back. perv!

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