
Is there any heathy foods?

by  |  earlier

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Now I know there are vegetables as healthy foods but is there a list of foods to keep away from body fat. Not like diet but healthy lifestyle eating. I mean I own a shop. I know how to do healthy drinks but I want like grains and a list of morning eating,lunch,and dinner. And foods that make you...I hate to say this but p**p. Like go to the bathroom cuz I mean like i can p**p but I have been going to the bathroom and saw they got blood on it and that happen already a lot of times. Can you please help me and list some foods that will make me stay healthy and not so much body fat.




  1. Go and see your physician.

  2. Eat a lot of prunes with your foods.  Morning a half cup

    lunch half cup and evening nearly a cup. Try soaking them

    in water, get some of the water out. As they also may have

    a high sugar content, so the soaking gets rid of the sugar.

    Do see your doctor as symptoms you described sound

    like you may have the beginning of piles. This is a very common

    condition and your doctor will tell you all about it , and foods

    like above witch can correct it.  So don't panic....try and also

    eat lots and lots of green vegetables darker the better at night

    with whatever your meals are.

    Within a month you will start to see the difference.  

  3. Btw diet soda is bad for you if you didn't already know that(breaks down in your body to a neurotoxin.)

    Stay away from aspartame

    Eat little to no processed foods.

    Exchange wheat products for soy, corn or tofu products often

    Don't eat fast food

    If you know anything about swimming, would you please?;...

  4. Blood indicates a problem that can be serious. It can be as little as a bleeding hemorrhoids or from straining due to constipation or something more serious. You do need to see a doctor then after that is resolved visit your near by whole foods or health store for some good sound advise.

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