
Is there any help for a hit and run victim?

by Guest55700  |  earlier

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I was involved in a hit-and-run accident last Thursday; I was stopped at a red light and was t-boned on my driver's side. The car that hit me sped off before I could get any license plate or other information, other than a vague description of the vehicle. I did make a police report and filed a claim with my insurance company. However, my deductible is $1000 (estimated repairs are approx. $4000). I do not have this kind of money, and the repairs are necessary as my driver's door is off-hinge and there is a 50-cent piece sized hole in the passenger door. My insurance (Farmers) says that unfortunately, I am responsible for the entire $1000 since it was a hit and run and I don't have the other party's insurance information. I asked about making payments toward the deductible, but was told that all of it is due upfront in order for the repair shop to release my car back to me. Is there anyplace that I can seek help, either financially or legally? It just disgusts me....




  1. What state do you live in? Do you carry uninsured motorist coverage? In my state the uninsured motorist deductible is $250. If you don't carry this coverage, or if the uninsured deductible is the same as your collision deductible, you're out of luck.

    Sorry :(

  2. My guess is when you obtained your insurance, you chose the $1000 deductible to save money on your monthly premiums. It was your choice, dear. You could have chosen a lesser or even $0 deductible. When choosing a deductible, don't select one that's more than you can pay in a situation like this. Sorry.

  3. Beg, borrow or steal the bucks.

    Talk to the repair shop and see what kind of a deal you can work withthem. They are not likely to discount anything for you (but may...), but may offer you some kind of 'easy payment plan'.

    Maybe talk to a bank about a loan or use a credit card.

  4. Definition:  "Deductible is he amount the insured is required and obligated to pay by the insurance policy. The deductible is chosen by the insured."

    In auto insurance, you choose your deductible based on what you are prepared to pay for any claim that cannot be collected from another party, and you get a lower premium based on your being prepared to pay a higher deductible.  A person should never buy a policy with a deductible greater than they can afford.  One way or another you and you alone have to come up with that amount unless the police manage to track down the other motorist and your insurance company can collect.  Talk to friends and family, maybe somebody can advance you at least part of it.

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