
Is there any historical evidence for the legendary Kingdom of David and Solomon?

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As near as I can determine Palestine was under Egyptian control until seized by the Persians,from whom it was seized by the Romans. There doesn't seem to be any historical evidence for it's existence. Herodotus makes no mention of it,writing in 500 B.C. He mentions Syria and Palestine as being under Egyptian control,but there are no references to jews or a Jewish kingdom. Even the term "Jew" was originally merely an abbreviation for Judean - a very small area of Palestine. Is there any reason to believe the ancient Jews ever governed Palestine as a whole? What Greek,Persian,Egyptian or Roman sources confirm it or even refer to it?




  1. zeno i should not worry about history as much as i worry about to day

    we all know that prophet abraham"a.s" passed by palestine and he was a guest of king salem which the city was called after him

    oorsalem "3er salem" which it was called later oor shalim jerusalem eilia capitolina eeliaa  bait elmaqdess alquds and so many names

    its even in torah that once king solomon wants to build the house of god he bought the piece"where ever it was" from palestinian

    what bothers now is the stealing and robbing of land

    make life so difficult to pple from jerusalem to live their for so many reasons one of them is making life impossible

    meanwhile all rich arab countries stood their doing nothing allowing jerusalem to suffer and its pple cant affort the cost of living

    add to that the housing their is very little permitions are so expensive to be obtained in west bank 6km from jerusalem you can buy a 120 meters house for 50 000 $ while the same you must pay 250 000 $ in jerusalem while for any one of the israeli is so easy to have a loan supported by government to buy a house this can not be to the arab

    the neighbouring countries thinks of ways supporting west bank but non to think of jerusalem

    on the long run if one of ten thousand thinks of selling and leaving you will see in near future more and more houses are sold to israeli

    and once one single house sold to settler it comes a government property and they should have some government protection which made the rest of the avenue a place you cant live in

    so worries are more for future

  2. There are no sources outside the Old Testament for the existence of this kingdom.

  3. I'm not familiar my friend Zeno with the Jewish history , so i can't give any information that i don't know about , but this has really caught my attention for sometime .

    I wish you have enough time to read this little story :

    There was this judge thousands of years ago who faced a strange situation . Two women came to him claiming the motherhood of infant .

    Every one of them cried and swore that the child is hers . the judge was confused and then he had idea ; he asked them both to divide the child between them and every one of them will take half of the child . One of the women agreed immediate and the other one refused and said that the other woman can take the child , The judge knew that the child was the son of the woman who refused this and gave her the child .

    This kind of story is what can describe the situation in Palestine .

    Israel refuses to make peace the way it should be done . A real peace that benefit Israel even before Palestinians by dealing with all the issues with open mindedness and courageousness .  

    On the contrary , Israel deals with the whole issue like if they are robbers in the middle of the night . , which raises a lot of suspicions about the authenticity of the Israeli claim in Palatine in the first place . If Israel was a standing country one day , then why are they avoiding peace ?

  4. There is no archeological or historical evidence that the ancient Hebrews ever dominated Palestine; in fact,it's impossible since it was at all times a part of one empire or another. Archeological evidence suggests Hebrews were thinly scattered across Palestine until concentrating in Judea. The tale of a Jewish Palestine is a myth. They dominated anywhere but Judea which is indeed the origin of the term "jew".  

  5. You don't determine very far.  Egyptian control over the area lapsed c. 1050 BC, and the Persians came along 539-525 BC, so clearly there are about 400 years to account for.

    There is plenty of evidence, from 855 BC onwards, in Assyrian inscriptions, for the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, into which the Solmonic kingdom split.  Assyria conquered and absorbed Israel in 722 BC, but Judah survived to get the same treatment from Assyria's succesor Babylon in 587 BC.

    An inscription has been recently found mentioning David.

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