
Is there any homebased job that wont ask you for money to start working?

by  |  earlier

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I need to make some extra cash and have been trying to find a home based job, but every home based jobs always require some fee to start working or to buy some kit to start...if I need a job it's because I need the money not go and spend more..I have enough with my bills...:(




  1. A home based "job" is not going to bring you a sufficient amount of income. You will only be paid minimum wage. Most companies don't feel they need to pay anyone more then that because their gas cost is eliminated. What people don't realize, what about your spouse? Do they still have to drive to work every day? Grocery shopping, outings, and things like that are still going to cost gas. If your married and you have a minimum waged job, pretty much your entire pay check will be going to your spouse's gas tank with the gas prices these days. After taxes are taken out, you will receive below minimum wage.  Then you still have the normal bills you need to pay each month as well, food, utilities, mortgage (rent for most people). Think about how much money you spend in that alone? If you need more income, I don't see how a minimum wage home "job" is going to cut it then.  If a minimum wage job is sufficient then I can give you a referal to apply for a home job.  I won't guarantee that you will get the job, I have no control over that.  The compeititon is really high for home based jobs.  I don't know if they're still hiring now, so many people are looking for home based jobs because of the souring gas prices which has a counter effect on all other things having to have higher prices.  This is forcing people to find alternative ways to earning an income.

    If you really want to work from home, and want to make a sufficient amount of income, then I suggest you start your own home based business. There are many different kinds of home based businesses to get involved in. Child Daycare Centers, Catering, Scrap Booking, Telecommunications, Candle Making, Travel agents, Tax Preparations, Health etc. Most home based business cost under $500 to start. Depending on what you want to get involved in doing. Home based businesses have the same income opportunity as a tradition store front business like a shoe store, Subway etc. With a Home Based Business, you don't have all the over head expenses as you do with traditional businesses. Just about everything in your home, becomes a tax write off.

    When you first start a business, their is no money made at first. You have to build it up. No matter what business you get involved in. The more effort you put into it and how hard your willing to work it, the faster you start making a sufficient amount of income. If you calculate the amount of hours you put into a regular job or a home "job" and the little you get paid, you would be better off starting a simple home based business, but make a lot more money and have more advantages.

    In home based businesses, depending on which one you get involved in, it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks to start making an average income. (about the same time frame as your first payroll period) Then as you keep working your business, 4 to 6 weeks to increase that income, and 3 to 6 months to be self sufficient. That is only if you put the time and effort into it. If you just say "I started a business" and don't put any time or the effort needed in your business, then you won't make an income.

    Most people have full time jobs and run their business on the side. When their business reaches the income level they desire, they put their normal jobs down and continue with their business growing. Other's dive into it head first and tackle it and get it going faster. Either way, you have the same opportunity to make a sufficient amount of income.

    I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities.  Your more then welcome to take a look at them for more ideas.  Over half a dozen different ones in various different industries.  A lot of information on home based businesses that you should educate yourself on.  Things on scams, BBB, what to look for and many other things that the majority of the people out there don't know and should know the truth about some things.  I'm stll working on all of it and still investigating somethings, so it's not finished yet.  But the information on there right now, is good information to know.

    If you'd like more information, your more then welcome to email me at anytime.

    Good Luck with your search!

  2. Unfortunately most of the opportunities you will find from some people, does only good to those people and nothing to you, maybe does bad to you if you paid something, which i do recommend not to do if you are not sure !

    I am Kevin an 8 years experienced in home based business; Here is my e-mail where you can reach me to make sure a business is true or SCAM!!, or simply if you need me to suggest you some true business to start getting a salary with.


  3. The two people above me are just spamming, i've seen them post the same thing over and over.

    Right now im making money online by writing gold jewelry descriptions. If you wanna try it, just order a free kit from , it contains all the information that you need to get started.

  4. Go to rankfirstprocom/makemoney.html watch the video and sign up for the free account. They are a new business that want to get recognized in a short amount of time. So you sign up and start referring the money will pile up in your account and when you want it, all you have to do is pay the $3.65 for the 1 year account. If you don't make the money that you want you don't have to pay. But you will make the money if you want to. It's simple the video is short so check it out.

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