
Is there any hope for my ballet?

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I am 24. I am training every day of the week right now, every single evening after work at my ballet school. I started ballet just one year ago and have come along leaps and bounds since then. My teacher says she has never seen anyone dance with such raw passion and I really want to use it somehow.

I didn't have many opportunities growing up and this is the first thing I am really good at.

Are there any performing options available to me now or is 24 far too old?




  1. wanting to get in companies like ABT, NYC ballet or Tulsa ballet is unreasonable, but with local or smaller companies, you could totally do it!  

    plus, if you audition for a company, they usually look for your passion and how easily they can teach and mold you, which you've got...  good luck!

  2. your really young! keep practicing. maybe if you get really really good you could try out for like so you think you can dance... but you would have to become better at hip-hop and jazz and other types of dances. keep practicing and see how it goes.

  3. 24 is YOUNG. I am a dancer and my ballet teacher recently went back to school to teach and continue dancing in a ballet company. my modern teacher dances in a modern company. my dance director is over 40 and still has the passion and performs in our annual shows. 24 is young! you jsut need to find auditions out there for a ballet company! if you ahve the apssion for it and you are good at it fight for it! dont give up!

  4. No it is not too late.  If you work hard enough you can finish early.  If I were you I would join a smaller company work my way up and still tryout for larger companies.  You can still be a soloist.  There is always hope. Even if you never make it to a big company you will be doing something you love.

  5. it is unrealistic to think that you could make it into a larger company, people within those companies have trained for upwards of 15 yrs. However i do know one example where a girl started at 16 and went on the be accepted in a major company. Being 24 you could teach though.

  6. 24 you're too old...sorry for my language but i'm italian...

    the principal dancers in all the world become dancers at 18....and also more young!

    you can see alessandra ferri...sche at 18 danced for royal 19 she was first dancer at abt with baryshnikov!

    today the dancers starts at diana vishneva,zakharova,semionova...ecc...but sometimes also more young...

    on youtube you can see as children at 13 years dance the great variations as coppelia...

  7. 23 is not the age to start ballet. but miracles happen & if you are willing to work hard for it i wish you all the good luck in the world.

  8. You can dance en pointe until you're 40, so you've ages to go!

    After that, there are all sorts of opportunities out there.

    Just go for it!  Try mentioning it to you teacher and see what they think.  You could also try an open university course in dance, which would give you an insight into the history and theory side as well as assessing you practically, and that could open up career opportunities for you - you could do it alongside training if you can't wiat that long.

    good luck, its great you've found something you're passionate about. x

  9. it think if you work hard and be determend you definetly can! At my ballet school our one of our pro's is in his 40's and he's AMAZING!

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