
Is there any hope for the U.S.?

by Guest45442  |  earlier

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I use to say yes but I am starting to worry. I have posed some questions about abortion and the answers disturb me. The pro abortion folks answers do not bother me because they do not think the fetus is a human life. I mean it does bother me but their answers do not. The pro life folks who say they will vote for pro abortion candidates bother me. Some of their answers are because they worry about other issues. If you are pro life tell me what is more important than an innocent human life. The economy? Getting out of Iraq? The direction of the country?(whatever the h**l that means) Obama's excitement? I am curious.




  1. Unless God very strongly directs me on who to vote for, come election day I will be tossing a coin.... This country is in BIG trouble !!!! go in peace... God bless

  2. Once again the Christian will be herded by one issue.

  3. Good question, my friend...........and I must say that I agree with you completely...........How can anyone who believes that life begins at the moment of conception, even 'think' about voting for anyone who is pro-abortion?  Makes absolutely no sense to me............

    I believe Christians need to stand firm on - they need to be aware that one of the basics of the platform (democrat) is pro-abortion........and it is the complete opposite in the platform of the republican party --- most republicans are pro-life...........not all --- but 'most'.............

    God Bless...............

  4. I support the general welfare of the economy rather than an unwanted, unrepresented fetus.

  5. In a word: NO!

    You know what?  The abortion issue is the least of our worries.  George Bush SAYS that he is pro-life, but is he really?  Sure, he's anti-abortion, but how many people has he killed - both Americans and "the enemy" - in both these not only worldly illegal but also BIBLICALLY illegal wars in the Middle East?  How many people died as a result of Hurricane Katrina (and other "natural" - but in reality man-made - disasters), simply because the money that SHOULD HAVE BEEN there for people in our own country was in reality either greedily hoarded by our "leaders" or in fact spent in OTHER countries?  (In that, Obama is right on the money; I just wish that he would give us some meat to go with his gravy)

    So, bottom line: Does simply being anti-abortion make you pro-life, or can you in fact be pro-choice and ALSO pro-life?  And is it what you SAY, or is it what you DO, that defines you?  (Click the last link for that one.)

    Click the second link below to see just how much trouble America is really in, but all of this started back in 1963 when we in OUR wisdom decided that we no longer needed God and HIS wisdom, and decided to relegate Him to the Church where He could cause us no trouble.  And the number one reason for that is because the Bible and capitalism are mutually exclusive - you can't have both (see Luke 16:13 - the first link).  But in this country, we wanted to serve money, so God had to go.

    Any questions?

  6. Ah... you are as angered by the Democrat party as I am. I was born catholic(but now I'm a A/G Christian) and a democrat.Our present system of gov't is so messed up - years ago both parties must have drawn their stands on things out of Uncle Sam's top hat because it is so dumb. Democrats unfortunately got the pro-abortion stand plus a couple of other stands that made me think about which party I wanted to be a part of. I don't believe in killing babies that God made within our bodies so lovingly. It makes me mad when people who profess to be 'saved' still vote for democrat candidates, candidates that are


  7. Well, first of all, excitement is all you're going to get out of Obama.  He has yet to site a solution to any given problem.

    "Obama, a half-black, Harvard-trained lawyer with a gift for soaring rhetoric and big themes but no substance.  America, if you want talk and not action, Obama’s just the big mouth for it."  

    Do you have any idea of the source of the previous quote?

    You must be very young.  The US has been through this many times.  The last "Obama" was Jimmy Carter, a dud.  Obama will be a dud.

    Is there hope for the US?  How do you define hope?  The US will disappear, as will all other countries, but God's Word will stand forever.

  8. How about our right to make our own decisions about these issues and not have the government make them for us?

  9. There are anti-abortion people but there are no pro-abortion people.

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