
Is there any hope for the future of our lifesytle in the US?

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Is there any hope for the future of our lifesytle in the US?

I just don't know, but I get a feeling of dred, when I think about the future. I life as we know going to end. Are we the last generation, (people born 1988-1995) to know the world. Are we know at the apex of humanity's reach. Is the fall just around the corner? With all the dire predictions and the world situation that every country is guilty of, is this the end. I'm usally so hopefully for the future. But, know I just don't know?

So what is the opinion out there?

Is anyone-else noticing this? Or is it just me?




  1. Hope for the future of our lifestyle? If you mean the excess and lush US standard of living... no. Eventually (possible sooner than later) the US is no longer going to be THE major world power. We're going to have to tone ourselves down and live smaller lives.

  2. The end is near. See

    The more the world tries to achieve peace while at the same time rejecting the LORD Jesus Christ the faster the world will separate themselves from the very grace of God that will give them mercy and enough of a sound mind to maintain peace. WW III has already begun and no end in sight. McCain says he wants it to last another 100 years. Islam is set on killing any and all who will not convert to Islam. Obama backed by Ted Kennedy and his homo-sexual extremist agenda and Clinton backed by organized crime and communist, are deceivers only looking to establish their own agendas. Ron Paul was the only candidate that offered any hope for America and the only candidate that would tell the truth to America but the Media cut him off.

  3. The card at the lower left, represents the first decision along your path. Five of Cups (Disappointment), when reversed: Accepting a loss. Overcoming sadness and grief to get on with your life. Realizing the value of what you still have. Dissatisfaction gives way to a new hope and understanding. May allude to a broken relationship or tragedy. May also refer to a gift, inheritance, opportunity, partnership, or marriage that has fallen below expectations.

  4. You are right to feel nervous, it's unfortunate that other people do not see it like you do and start trying to do something about it.  Overpopulation is a huge concern as the Earth is concerned, we are reproducing at astronomical rates and with the lengthening of human life spans the population rate is out of control, if it continues surely chaos will ensue.  There is too much litter, too much pollution, too many cars on the road and yes, one day the Earth will give out.  Is it as soon as you think?  Probably not but shouldn't we all do just a few little things to prolong this inevitable event?  So recycle, drive a smaller car, don't have a ton of babies and encourage others to do the same!!

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