
Is there any hope left for someone who hasn't had a friend in 6 years? How could I ever dream of dating?

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I know it is my patterns of behaviour that keep me from being social. I try and get out there. But I can't build relationships where people want to hang out with me. It is like so frustrating. I am soon to be 18 and evvvveery saturday night I am alone watching movies to ease the pain and eating junk food. I don't have a weight problem or anything. But I am wondering if my mental problem could keep me friendless for eternity? Hypothetically in heaven I guess in addition to when I say eternity I mean for the rest of my life. Time moves slow when you hate your life. I have no good insurance so I can't get counseling, or therapy as much as I need them. It makes me feel like I am living in h**l.




  1. I honestly used to have this problem. I went to the same school for 1st-8th grade and it was a REALLY tiny school, I graduated 8th grade with 23 kids in my class. I had "friends" but we never really hung out aside from school and I really wasn't happy with them either. Going into High School was a challenge because there was just an insanely large amount of people. I gradually started getting into the swing of things but unfortunately I still hung out with the same people that came with me from my other school. I then realized I simply couldn't go on with it any longer and I got the courage to talk to another group of people and eventually started hanging out with them and doing stuff after school and on weekends and I am so happy I did. Now I have like the most incredible best friend and group of friends. I could never be happier. And for you, try to talk to more people. Eventually there will be a group that you will come to like a lot and then get the courage to ask them to the movies or do whatever, then you'll be hanging out with them all the time! Best of Luck man, just try to be really social, and yourself. I'm 17 as well. :)

  2. I am not quite sure what mental problem you have, but you should seek help for it, and you should invest in good insurance.  Depression is a part of everyone's life, but if you feel depressed for a very long time you need to get help.

    What you first need to do is make friends.  I am sure you have SOMEONE you can talk to.  I mean, for 6 years you couldn't have been isolated in a room.  Just ask a school chum if he wants to come over and play a video game or something.  

    Don't dream of dating yet, that's the key.  You have to first make friends, friends will then lead to dates.  Don't expect anything from any relationships for a year, and then you can start dating.  

    Spending Saturday nights alone isn't all that bad, not everyone does things on the weekend.  I mainly relax on the weekend, hence why I am writing this.

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