
Is there any hope when you are married to someone who does not believe in Christ?

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My husband is agnostic. We are having some issues. I feel like I am up against a wall. I feel that if he believed in God like I do..there would be hope. I feel like our relationship will never get better because he doesn't believe in God's guidance to change and do the right thing. Is there hope? Or am I doomed in this marriage where he doesn't even care that he does wrong? Please I am asking for mature answers only. Thank you for your time.




  1. I say "NO."  I married a muslim man and I'm Christian.  I resolved to accept the "at least he believes in God", but, he was never as liberal, always degrading my religion and my belief in Christ.  You are "unequally yoked" as they say in the Bible.  

    You can try praying hard for him to change, but, the ride is h**l.

  2. I am at the same place. I love my boyfriend very much but it bothers me that he doesn't believe in the God that I put all my faith in. I've prayed about it and keep asking God to just reveal himself to him when he's ready with an open heart. I know that could be next week or years from now, but I have faith it will happen.

    As for living with him, the best thing you can do is show him how God effects your daily life. Keep gong to church and just living the way that God wants you to. I know it gets hard and it gets lonely and sometimes you just want to give up, but you're leading him by example. Eventually he'll see how God moves through your life. When we're in the car, I always pray for a safe drive to and from where we're going.. I've also got him to curb him using God's name in vain and little by little, I just know God will enter his heart. But only God knows when it will happen. In the mean time continue to pray and shine the Light.

    Take care.

  3. This is a very difficult situation. I imagine you knew this before you got married right? and maybe thought that he would "change" once you were together. The sad thing is that you "can't" make him believe. Only HE has the power to do that. The more you try, the more reluctant he will be. I can only suggest that you don't lose faith, but at the same time don't pressure him. I really believe YOUR faith will get you through whatever problems you are having. Don't feel compelled to change him....maybe it will happen sooner than you think.  

  4. there is hope. you may come to realize that religion is just superstition with a pep squad. For example xians typically believe in ghosts, angels, demons, etc... they believe that there are people who can turn their walking sticks into snakes. they believe in magic and they eat human flesh (both incorporated in the miracle of transubstantiation)...

    if you're an xian you probably don't realize you worship the same deity as the jews and the muslims (the god of abraham and isaac).

    so there is hope... you can come to realize that organized religion is a crock.... little more than a scam to rob from the masses to enrich the few.

  5. Oh. you poor soul.  Are YOU a True Christian?  Your first mistake was in falling in love with and marrying an agnostic.  I'm afraid that you might *never* be able to change his philosophy, if he has been so *totally ingrained* in DENYING the existence of God Almighty and {His} Saving Grace for us human beings -- {His} Children -- on this planet Earth.  All I can recommend is for you to be as "accommodating" to his stance in this marriage, while quietly but steadfastly maintaining YOUR Christian belief and *PRACTICE*!

    And CONTINUE TO PRAY for God's Special Guidance!

  6. I am guilty on this.  I completely lost my faith in God, because of my current state of happiness with my wife.  I am not worry about this at all!  What worries me, is that my 3 kiddos are seeing this complete mess that I am in!  Sorry but people change for the better or for the worse!  Thats part of marriage life!

  7. Yes and no. If they are atheist no. If they r scared and unsure yes because that means they can still be influenced . I'm by far no virgin Mary but I believe in Christ he gives me hope that my life will be better someday

  8. If its such a big deal to you, then  you shouldn't have married an agnostic man. I dont believe 'Gods guidance' will help your marriage, only two people can do that.

  9. why would you marry a man that doesn't share your belief in God? The relationship that you have with Him should be the most important one in your life. Pray for your husband. Talk to your clergy about the fact that you married a secular man and get his advice.

  10. Yeah you are real mature blaming your break down in relationship on his lack of faith.

    If he doesn't care what he does wrong...then its because HE DOESN'T CARE. If you can't stand up and realise that you might be doing something wrong too, then it is doomed.

    You can't have hard times in your life and just hope "god" fixes them.........HARD WORK is needed.

    sheesh If you love someone don't you love them beliefs and all?? When you get reeeeally old and start going down hill and "god" is nowhere to be found...i'm sure you'll wish you had a partner by your side.

  11. I believe there's always hope,and although,this is something you should've seriously thought about before you married him,God can work in his life through you,but in order for that to happen you must pray for him daily,and should always be encouraging him to come to church with you.Have faith in god,and seek courage,guidance and strength in your life.  

  12. The Bible says to be Christlike. To be an example. If you're telling your husband that he needs to be a Christian and that he should believe in God like you do, he'll do the opposite. You should live your life the way that is right and be consistent. But he is also your husband, so don't forget to keep loving him and treating him as such. There is most definitely hope!!! You're not in a doomed marriage. Just pray for him. All the time. Be his wife, loving, wonderful, nurturing..and be his him!! dont tell him.. he'll see for himself. If he doesn't, its between him and God. You can't MAKE him believe as you do. If your husband is Agnostic, he doesn't think he is doing wrong thru that. Maybe things happened in his life that makes him not want to acknowledge that God does indeed exist. Its a tangible situation. Just keep loving him, he'll come around. Might take months..might take years. But God put you two together!! Make it work. Maybe in the beginning, ya'll two were on the same footing. As long as you're serving God and you're living right. Your life WILL change!! Get closer to God. Your husband will start seeing subtle differences in you, good differences. You'll even feel refreshed. I promise.

  13. Hope?

    Hope has nothing to do with it.

    Have FAITH!

  14. I'm an atheist and my husband is a Christian theologian.  We have good friends who are a famous Christian theologian and buddhist.  Mature people recognize the truth in each other's faiths or perspectives.  My husband and I actually believe very similar things.  For us, it boils down to speaking a different language.  I've even worked in christian ministry, even though I'm not christian and I can do that because we all respect love.  We've been married for a very long time.

    You can't blame your husband for your marital problems.  Maybe it is your fault for not being more respectful of him.  Maybe it is both of you.  Who knows.  IT takes two to make a marriage fail and you're not coming across as being very respectful of his beliefs.

    Both of you should seek counseling.  Don't insist that it be in your faith tradition because every single time you do something like that you push your husband away from you and tell him that he's not good enough or smart enough for you.  That is destructive to your relationship.

    Good luck.

  15. Your relationship will not last if he does not believe in just won't. You need to pray about it...but you need to consider ending it too...

  16. My husband does not believe in God and i most certainly do. He has seen a lot of hardship over his life. Lost his father to cancer when he was 19, and started to lose faith then. Then he lost his grandmother to another cancer a couple of years later, mind you both of these people took very good care of themselves, did not smoke,  were both wonderful people, good hearted. But my husband says "if there was a god he would not of let these people suffer as long as they did". Then last year his mother pasted away at age 60 to cancer. It was horrible watching her and the whole family go through that. These people suffered a most terrible death. Which is why he does not believe there is a God. I pray for him, but i respect and love him.  I would not leave him over this. Your marriage should be out of love, and should be able to handle this difference. Good luck and i wish you the best!

  17. I am a Christian you can't divorce him for that, continue to pray for him but don't preach to him. Invite him to church socials where he can meet Godly men, it should come from men not you, but if he leaves the bible says to let him go,

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