
Is there any houseplants that my cats will not eat?

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My cats are always eating my houseplants. I have tried to deter them with the cat grass, but it does not work! Is there any plants that they wont like the taste of? Any suggestions please!!!!!!!




  1. dogs

  2. I have the same husband loves it, its his excuse as to why I don't get flowers from him lol :)


  4. mY cat did the same thing.  I used this as a guide.

    One day you have a healthy plant, next day the leaves are hanging in tatters and the only thing left to do is throw it in the trash bin. Bad cat! But don’t blame your cat just yet.

    There may be a reason your cat destroyed the plant. Your cat probably ate the plant for one of two reasons. One is that green food is part of their diet. If your kitty has not been given any vegetables or greenery to eat, he could be simply following his instinct for survival. In this case, make sure kitty gets to go outside frequently so he can eat the grasses of his choice. Eating grass will also help to remove fur balls that can catch in his throat. Another solution is to grow special cat grass in a pot indoors, a good option to consider if you don’t feel comfortable letting your cat outside. cat grass seed can be purchased at good pet shops.

    The second reason your cat may have eaten your plant is that, if its leaves rustled, your cat may have interpreted it as an enemy to be attacked. Cats do this naturally in the wild. You can avoid tempting your cat with this “enemy” by moving the plant away from drafts that would move its leaves. You may need to put the plant on a low shelf, or perhaps a higher one if your cat leaps around frequently.

    Of course, once kitty has had a wonderful time destroying that plant you loved so much, he might decide he wants to do it all the time. If the simple solutions don’t work, you may have to keep the cat in a room with no plants when you aren’t home, or just decide that you’d rather have a cat than plants. On the other hand, cats can get bored, and they may attack plants just for the sake of having something to do. Play with your cat as much as possible when you are home. Leave your cat some toys to play with so the plants will look less tempting. There are special cat toys available for purchase, of course, but you don’t have to spend money on expensive items when you can make your own.

    Cats will enjoy playing with a tiny bit of crumpled paper tied to a string, attached to some heavy object. A chair rung would do, or a cupboard doorknob. Kitty will love to pounce on this and wrestle on his back with it. Also, a small ball rolling around your floor will keep him amused for a long time.. With these things to play with, your cat won’t even think about jumping on your plants.

  5. exzotic plants

  6. well, i have cacti - after the initial 'ooh can i eat that?' investigations, no more problems :)

    They need spines of course though, I have lots of Aloe Vera plants too and they all get chewed on.  I don't mind though, there's many far worse things a cat could destroy!

  7. They will try anything...hang them where the cats can't get to them.

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