
Is there any independent documentation of St. Aidan of Lindisfarne?

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For example, is his appointment as bishop documented anywhere?

I'm writing up St Aidan for a website and have not yet managed to trace the AngloSaxon records, if any.





  1. Since Aidan left no writings what-so-ever, there is only a single primary source for information about him. Here is a website dedicated to providing information on him.

    As far as I know, it was Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Book III, that holds the first hand information about Aidan.

    From Bede's Life of S. Cuthbert, c. 16

    "For one and the same dwelling-place of the servants of God holds both: indeed all are monks. Aidan, who was the first bishop of this place, was a monk and always lived according to monastic rule together with his followers. Hence all the bishops of that place up to the present time exercise their episcopal functions in such a way that the abbot, whom they themselves have chosen by the advice of the brethren, rules the monastery;"

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