
Is there any interest in the forthcoming match between the wet Dream Team & the wishy-washy Vic team?

by Guest67016  |  earlier

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Already players are opting out through injury. Plus there is surely a mind game being played here with the wet team having to wear that horrible strip & the Vics get to have the Big V.

It's a bit of pride to wear the V but what's in it to wear that other ugly concoction. I bet none of the Vics will swap jumpers with their opposition at the end of the game.

I wont bother watching the match on TV, I'd rather help the missus with the house cleaning - more interesting.




  1. Cant wait for this game. I live in Queensland and the state of origin up here for the league is huge. I hope it is supported well. The big v will win easily Ablett best on ground

  2. as a Vic I'll enjoy it but i agree with molly,it should have been a round robin thing instead of a made up team v the Vic's

    it would be hard to support if i was a sth or west Aussie

    but at least we get the best in the land on the same ground at the same time in a game of footy,its a long time coming and who knows if it goes well maybe next year the league will consider getting the real thing going again .

  3. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and did i mention nooooooooooooooooooooo i wish i had two tv's so i cud turn tht thing off twice lol

  4. I will say yes, there is interest in the game.

    That is - if the Dream Team wins I will carry on & give the Vics heaps of stick.

    If the Vics win I will just ignore it all & say I had no interest in the game right from the very start!

  5. Really people,do you think the dream team can win: I DON"T THINK SO. GO THE VICS.

  6. hmm, not a bad question really.

    i haven't really warmed to the game but i want to watch it, can't see how the teams were picked, j.brown for instance has done nothing for about 4 weeks but is Victorian captain, can't work it out.

    on form he shouldn't be in the side, probably will play a blinder now, but you'd think form players would be picked.

    there is no way if i was playing for Vic, would i swap a big V jumper for one of those other things, they mean nothing, should of been a like a patch work quilt style thing, with a bit of each other state jumpers on it, if you get what i mean, for the record i think the dream mob will win easily.

  7. I spose its better than a split round....

    I only have one concern and thats the possibility of injuries to the "top form" players, involved in both sides....


    I have my fantasy team to think about!! Haha..

    But seriously I wouldn b a happy coach camper if my player  was outed for a couple of the season games just because of an AFL "novelty" campaign game..

    In saying all that... I'll be watching.

  8. what a stupid game and a waste of time. I would much prefer to keep watching the mighty Hawks on their way to winning the premiership.

  9. there is a fair bit of interest in the game, but it will never be as big as what it was a decade ago.

  10. A hybrid team between States does not interest me one bit.

    I am sure Victorians supporters will enjoy it but I think WA and SA deserve to field their own team.

    It would be more interesting if Brisbane,SA and WA had a team and NSW fielded a team with Victoria.

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