
Is there any interesting themes suitable for children to perform at graduating their concert? pls advice.?

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Is there any interesting themes suitable for children to perform at graduating their concert? pls advice.?




  1. theme should be college or future jobs/aspirations, make them dress up and sing about how theyre moving up or whatever...sounds g*y and corny AND cute

  2. Theme: growing and changing.

  3. umm.... dress up, maybe do a little play. have them sing abcs, like have each one dressed up as a diferent letter, and they each say whatever letter they are dressed up as... lol i dunno

  4. why dont u get them to all dress up as baby animals but have some dress up as the mother

    eg. a pig and a piglet

  5. Hawaiian theme! wear grass skirts sunglasses ETC. can be purchased through oriental trading post. Have them dance to beach boy songs and other related music. You can also create a slide show of pictures of them throughout the year. One other idea that parents love is have them each sing a song and create a CD to go along with the slide show, let them sing anything they want, it is CUTE. While their pictures are being shown they will hear them singing. You can also create different awards for each child such as the cowgirl award, future cheerleader award, friendship award etc. good luck.

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