
Is there any interview thing like Proscout--but isn't actually a scam?

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i need to know. i was goign to attend a proscout interview until many people tell me it's a SCAM. is there any agency like it, who does interviews, but ISN'T a scammerrr?




  1. These catch-all interview things that go around the country on "talent searches" are pretty much always scams. The sad fact is that it's pretty much impossible to kick off a career in entertainment unless you live in an area that has a solid local scene already. Think about it: would YOU waste time, money, and energy trekking back and forth across the country looking for talent if you already had a million desperate actors begging you for work in your own back yard?

    If you're serious about getting into entertainment, the best thing you can do is go to college and study your craft in-depth. Then AFTER you have a degree, move to a large city and start looking for work. (It doesn't have to be a major entertainment hub like NY or LA; in fact, I'd say those are terrible places to start on account of them being so over-saturated. I'd say you should start in a city like Chicago, Houston, or Toronto.)

  2. Hello Morgan for the third time! :):P

    For your own sake, still attend the interview. It may not be a scam unless they ask you for money! If they do politely decline and look for other scouts! Maybe find an agent or send your headshot and resume to your local casting directors, they are NOT scams. Good luck with this whooollleee experience!

    -TQA (The Queen of Acting)

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