
Is there any interviews/videos of the demo team that caried out the bombings in the wtc? sum 1 that spoke out?

by  |  earlier

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it would be interesting to see that there are interviews or video footage of the demo crew that carried out the demolition. i know that there's video footage of officers and firefighters that said that there was molten steel and so on, but other than the people that took a day off on 911 (from the wtc) and saw what was happening weeks before 911; with the removal of the dogs, blocking of floors, etc., is there any person that put the demo charges on the building that spoke out against the government? probably a stupid question but if its there can you post it? i do believe that this event was an inside job NO DOUBT. there is no requirement of belief, if you're skeptical, that the events that occurred on 911 was an inside job. simply looking at scientific evidence to prove that it is in fact an inside job is the only requirement. but its much deeper than that.if you guys get a chance, look at this video that came out not too long ago. 2007 i think. called: ZEITGEIST. 2hr long vid.




  1. Everyone aboard the jets died so there is nobody to interview.

    You guys are just toooo much!  Thanks.  These "facts" give me a belly laugh each time they come up and I'll probably live years longer because of it.

  2. I think your hat is missing a layer of tin foil.

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