
Is there any item of clothing you just love?

by  |  earlier

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is is something you have or something you dream of wearing.for me a catsuit would be nice




  1. For me, its a one piece swimsuit.  I just love the way the feel on me.  

  2. A long winter coat with those little toggle fasteners. I've never had a long cloth winter coat and I've always wanted one. In fact, several, in different colors.

  3. definately a wedding gown ! beautiful  

  4. I can't wait to wear my wedding dress when i am older.

  5. I just love latex catsuits & s**y boots!!!

  6. Well, I'd kind of like a catsuit too. lol...for every day clothing things I'd say heels, skirts, hose, dresses, lots of things :)

  7. Shoes

  8. skinny jeans!!

  9. Definitely a jacket. It can so easily define or redefine an outfit, easily. A smart jacket can top off an outfit for a wedding, a leather one shows you're fairly strong and adds an element of mystery, and a denim one shows you're totally at ease and completely casual.


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