
Is there any job for mixing pictures?

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my profession is to mix pictures but now i want to mix pictures on the net... i wants to earn money through internet in home.. any body give me his/her pictures through email i will mix it and send back. with minimum charges. if any body from u wants to see my skill so send me your picture and you wants which demands??? just write that demands and send those pictures to my email address... ( ) i will mix it and send u back this time its free bcz its just a trial ........ after promoting from you people i will launch a website of mixing pictures then there will be charges here is no charges so send me as much as pictures for mixing. ok i am waiting




  1. check this out if you want to make money from your photos online. Its very good

    Sell Your Photographs & Get My Book Free

    I've always been interested in tasks that take very little time and can generate a steady income for the foreseeable future. So I don't mind writing short articles, for example, for any of my 100 plus web sites and adding a few AdSense banners, even though I hardly ever make more than $5 a day from AdSense on any of my individual web sites. But if a couple of those article fetch, say, just a miserly $3 a day, over the month that's $90, over the year it's adding another $1,000 to my income.

    I have lots of what I call 'money in minutes' ideas which take just a few minutes or hours to complete, which, over the year, add a sizeable sum to my business turnover.

    One of those 'money in minutes' ideas is photography, even though, until last night, I hadn't taken many photographs at all. From now I'll be taking rather more photographs than in recent times. Let me tell you why. It's because I've found a way to add another string to my bow, staying with photographs for now, and I'll be adding my photographs to web sites that will actually pay me every time someone orders and downloads one of my pictures. Profits can be much higher than those AdSense commissions so I'm entirely sure just one new picture a day will add significantly to my annual income.

    There's a great book out to show how you can join me in this idea of taking photographs and getting paid for them. I bought my copy yesterday, for my own benefit, and to review it for my readers.

    You can read all about the new book if you click on the link just below my signature at the end of this email. As usual, I have a nice free gift to offer anyone who orders 'Make Money Online With Your Digital Camera'. It's a book I wrote some time ago and updated just recently and it's called 'Quick Ways to Make Money With Your Camera', and it's available right now. If you order 'Make Money Online With Your Digital Camera', just send your ClickBank receipt to me - - and I'll send your free report immediately I see your letter. Please allow a few hours or so for emails received outside office hours.


    Avril Harper




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    Avril Harper | Avallan, High Hesleden | Hartlepool | Cleveland | Cleveland | TS27 4PZ | United Kingdom

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