
Is there any jobs a 13 can do??

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Iam 13 and i really want a job i live in Dublin and really need money to buy things that i dnt have have some experiance if any one has any let me know plz"""!!!!!




  1. Babysit

    walk dogs


    do chores

  2. paper round n thats it legla age is 16 however republic ireland might be different but i doubt it as EU set standards saying no one cna work at school age! however u cna work when 16 and in yr 11

  3. If your very detail oriented,and serious about work,try detailing cars.A few dollars investment for wax,armor-all and the like can get you $100 a car if your very good

  4. Yardwork - clearing brush, undergrowth, branches, weeds.

    Mowing the yard/lawn.

    Walking someone's dog while they're on vacation or during their lunch.

    Running errands for elderly people.

    Paper route.

    Put an ad in the paper offering the services of a "strong, young, eager helper willing to do odd jobs around the house and yard."

    Good luck!

  5. mow lawns

  6. newspaper boy

    mow grass

    water a neighbors plants

    do chores etc.

    i dont know if you do those things in dublin but thats what younger kids do here in the US

  7. Most businesses can't employ you if you're under 16.  At 13 you can do a paper round (for some reason...  UK law is pretty random), but seriously, I wouldn't bother.  The hours are rubbish, the job is tough, and the pay won't be much more than your parents can probably afford to fork out in pocket money.

    If I were you, and you're serious about this, look at starting your own money making scheme.  Have you got junk lying around your house that no one wants / uses?  Sell it on eBay and collect the cash.  Do your friends / neighbors / relatives have stuff they don't want or need?  Sell it on eBay, and charge them a percentage of the profits.  You may need someone to set up an account for you, but I'm sure your parents will only be too happy to help.  If not, do boot sales as an effective substitute.

    Doesn't appeal?  Try washing cars.  Start on your mums or dads to learn the technique of getting them ultra shiney, and then start on the neighbors.  If you really get a feel for it, put some flyer's out and get people to ring you on a mobile, or email you when they need their cars done.  I have a mate I go to uni with and he's been doing this a long time.  He's now got several very posh customers who pay him to clean their BMW's.  He's paying his way through uni this way!  Good luck.

  8. You can wash cars, mow lawns, clean garages, walk dogs, p**p scoop, wash windows, collect cans, lots of things come to mind.

  9. Babysit, mow lawns, odd jobs for others.  Go shopping for the elderly.  I don't know how old you have to be to bag groceries there.

  10. babysit or walk dogs

  11. if you can get a lawn mower. cut grass in your neighborhood. Thats what i did when i was 10 every summer i would cut grass. charge a reasonable price. dnt over charge u want them to ask u to come back. trust me. i made really good $ cuttin grass. at 10 im almost 25. I wouldnt tell you nothing wrong

  12. wash cars, walk dogs, baby sit, do a local news paper route, help your parents out more ( they may pay you - ask them), etc.

  13. Jobs

    There are many ways you can earn money. I babysit and I get paid very well. But I think you have to be 13-14 to start.

    My Rates

    1-2 kids ~ $5.00/hour

    Each additional child ~ $1.25/hour

    *When you are babysitting a baby under 10 months old, you should ask to be paid a bit more than your regular charge, since you must give more attention, change the baby, feed the baby, and put the baby to bed.

    Another Idea is to have a bake sale/ lemonade stand. Me and my sisters baked all week, made poster signs and decided how much we should charge for each baking good. Any age is perfect for this job!

    Another good job is to start a walking dogs for neighbours that have dogs. You can either put up posters around town, or hand out fliers to people you know that have dogs. I would charge 5 dollars per dog.

    Another good job is to wash cars, or open a car wash business with friends for a few days, mow the lawn, shovel drive ways in the winter, and help people clean there house that might need help.

    If  are 14 years or older, you could also work at fast food restaurants, or grocery stores too.

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