
Is there any jobs a 13 year old can have?

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my sister wants a summer job but she's only 13 years old. is there any other job to do other than babysitting or somthing? like at some kind of store?




  1. First off, don't put down babysitting. If she is responsible she can make some good money for herself babysitting. Her name will get spread around the neighborhood as a good responsible person who can watch the kids while mom & dad go out to dinner.

    Second option, sometimes events will occur around your area that the people holding the event will want signs posted around town for.  Have her check into this option, especially with the Taste of Chicago and similar events coming up.

    Finally, it is very difficult for minors to get real jobs because they are minors. The law has special rules that apply to minors in a job situation in order to protect them. These rules usually require parental consent for hiring a minor.

    On the whole, I would tell her to be patient, enjoy the summer while she can because work will rear its ugly head soon enough. Once she hits age 16 she can get a job at McDonalds or something so she can save up for that nice car all 16 year olds want.

  2. I have to agree with what the other posters have said. Because she is so young she's going to have a really hard time finding (legal) employment. Provided that she's a responsible person she should have no problems making money with babysitting. I babysat pretty much up until I was in college.

    Honestly I don't even think it's legal for any place to hire kids who are under the age of 16. There are so many child labor laws to prevent kids from being taken advantage of. It's great that she wants to get out there and make a bit of money, but really childhood is so short and she should be enjoying her summer instead of worrying about trying to find employment.

    Just try to talk up the benefits of babysitting and dog walking, I know it's not glamorous, but it's a job and it's money!

  3. babysitting and pet sitting.

  4. I am 13 and make LOTS babysitting and petsitting. If she has, say, 4-5 families that really trust her, she will get  tons of babysitting opportunities.

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