
Is there any jobs that pay well near baltimore?

by  |  earlier

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my mom just got let go from her job and we live in glen burnie, i need to know where a good job is near baltimore that pays well like $850 or more a week. any job that is fair and secure not like a stripper will be fine. if u help i will put u in my prayers! (maybe) lol probably for one night.

please help we need u! we might have to get rid of our dog! :(




  1. Search the link below for jobs with the Federal Government.  A lot are available in Baltimore.  Additionally, Federal jobs are very secure and have great bennefits.

  2. u can work at the orials statium

  3. You are probably going to think this sounds crazy but if you are thinking about getting a job to help out work at Hooters @ the inner harbor. I am not kidding it was the best summer job i ever had when i lived in baltimore. We threw kids parties, pro atheletes would come in all the time (which=big tips) and it was just an all around good time.Generally I made  $150 per night cash. Some nights (most nights) I made more than that If you are a daytime person they have day shifts as well from 10am- 5pm. What i did that summer was work @ a day care during the day & then @ night i would work @ hooters from 5-11 or 12. Awesome job AMAZING $$!!!!

    Good luck :)

  4. What is your mother's education and experience?  She needs to pursue whatever openings she can find, and must not restrict herself to Baltimore.  She needs to be aggressive and ambitious and really go after it.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans are being laid off each week and the job market is a disaster.

    If you are at least 16, it's time for you to get a job too if you don't already have one.

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