
Is there any kind of 'citizen exchange' like student exchange but for adults who want to live in communism?

by  |  earlier

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I think it would be nice if as adults we are all able to move to different countries as exchange citizens so we can see how people live in other countries. Is there any program at all like this? I guess not but maybe there is, so I am asking.




  1. closest thing would be living on a kibbutz in isreal i mean u could try and move to cuba or north korea not sure either side would be happy about it. I visited what was then the USSR was facinating but as a tourist not fully immerged

  2. Excellent idea, that way people would not be so quick to judge another, until he/she sees how they live and what they  have to go through.

    I have not heard of any exchange programs other than the Peace Corp...but I have often thought of joining the French Foreign Legion..just to get away from it all......thank you

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