
Is there any kind of device that can be used to evoke one or more ghosts or other paranormal activity?

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To the extent that ghosts are attracted to energy, I might imagine such device would be electronic in nature. Does anyone manufacture such a device and if so, where can it be purchased?




  1. ghosts do not exist...HOWEVER! energy exists.  Sometimes people mistake it for a "ghost"  whatever that may be

  2. I'm sorry. I do not have an answer to your question. I am, however interested in the replies, for i would like to know for myself, lol. I do believe in ghosts and it scares the c**p outta me. Though, i am very interested in it. Please ignore the rude replies. They are just non-believeres who think that just because they believe in one thing, means that everyone else does too.

  3. The device you seek is your mind. It is the most powerful device available.

  4. Of course there is. Turn on your television set for the next spook show.

  5. No mundane device can attract spirits, they are hard enough to prove real.

    IMO i believe in ghosts, people who discount stuff like this are taking a narrow view in the world.

    Remember, blind faith that science will procure a solution is just as blind as blind faith that ghosts exist.

  6. The only devices that come to mind are the Ouija Board and Franks Box (which someone pointed out a few weeks ago).

    I realize your maybe looking for more of a "cattle prod" type device that will give the ghosts a goose and get them moving. These are the closest devices I have heard of, I am interested to see if someone gives you a decent answer.

  7. the best thing to do is simply feel things out and talk :) if theres someone there and they wanna chat they will . now as for everyone else ...It is HIGHLY uncalled for to joke someone or belittle them for their beliefs - if you dont believe dont answer , mind your business and respect the others who do .

  8. with a question like that, you're bound to get some insulting replies... i'm sorry for that...

    However, here's the real answer:

    No.  There isn't.

    I'm not saying that because i don't believe (in fact, i neither believe nor disbelieve... I acknowledge the possibility and have a good time thinking about how it might be true).

    I say it because... if such an object did exist.... it would be much more common knowledge...

    Imagine, a device that can bring the dead before your eyes... it would completely destroy any "mystery" about ghosts... if such an object existed, it would quickly be used by all and we would have a profoundly new understanding about the nature of death...

    But, seeing as the concept of "ghosts" and other paranormal activities are still considered to be fake, or at the very least, implausible by the worlds leading men of science, I think its safe to assume that no such device yet exists that can sufficiently accomplish this task.


    That doesn't mean there aren't wackjobs out there who think they found it (Ouija boards for example)...  but that's all a load of c**p... like i said, if those objects actually worked, people would have a different outlook on death and the paranormal.

    Simply look at the other responses you got to this question... they are all the proof you need that such a device does not (yet) exist.

  9. They're probably standing right beside just can't see them or feel them. You're probably better off not being aware of them.

    Edit...OOPS.. John S. I didn't know that was you ! lol...You got a make over!!! (Just like me!! ) lol I  would have answered this differently if I had known it was you!  I thought it was was of the new guys.Sorry..

    Edit..Or is it you???

    Edit.. What if they came up with some kind of mist or spray...that  made ghosts visible? Just an idea...

    Edit ...Thanks for answering John S. Guess we'll have to look at the avatars to know the difference!

  10. First of all be careful not to call up some unwanted spirit from the darkness.

    Some people claim that negative or positive ion generators work.  I have not seen anything to back that up.  

    Native Americans will use things like tobacco, gifts of items, money, liquor and so on.  

    Money, silver, gold are used in other parts of the world also.

    There is some evidence that points to high levels of electricity in the air produce more ghost sitings, also aurora  peaks and sun spot peaks too.

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