
Is there any known medical condition that causes hands to sweat a lot?

by Guest63623  |  earlier

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Mine never seems to stop, even after washing them! My GP said it could be stress or high blood pressure (which he tested & I don't have), anyone know or have this?

It's getting embarrassing! :(




  1. There is a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. It is a condition which result in excessive perspiration. There is currently no known cause. However there are medications to help treat this. Ask your doctor about Driclor. It is an antiperspirant but not like the normal ones you get. This has a higher concentration of aluminium chloride (20%) compared to the regular ones. You could suggest it to your doctor to let you try it. It might work.

    There are also oral medication you can take. But i must say that the side-effects are poorly tolerated. Your doctor would know a drug called Ditropan (generic name: oxybutynin).

    There is also something called ionophoresis. It is a procedure that might help but it is time-consuming.

    Apart from that, the others are like weight loss, relaxation and meditation.

    I hope that i can somehow help you with some things. But do not try to use the medications by yourself. Do seek a doctors advice.  

  2. hello

    i had the same problem too

    you can use this product

    it's very efficient

  3. my hands also sweats a lot. even if i'm at normal condition n i dun feel it's wrong at all ;p

  4. hyperthyroidism can also make you sweat a lot because your metabolic rate is so increased due to imbalance occuring within your thyroid. it's like you are always exercising so you would always be sweating a lot aside from a very fast heart rate/pulse rate, overly increased appetite and despite all the eating, some drastic weight loss. a doctor can help with the labs for it.

    stress however can also cause a lot of sweating, when your anxious for somebody or something that you should do.

    if it's stress, try diverting yourself or do deep breathing exercises =)

    s*x hormones can also affect excessive sweating. like for women, there can be some period in their menstrual cycle that they sweat so excessively... i mean like a lot.

  5. In our country, we call it "pasma", sorry but I am not aware of an English equivalent. People who have this often are those who engage in heavy manual labor then wash their hands immediately after working or those who play basketball, tennis, softball/baseball and wash their hands without resting a bit. One reason this happens is that the blood vessels in the hands undergo vasospasm because of the sudden exposure of the skin surface to cold water.

    Try to avoid washing your hands too often, especially if the weather is hot. Some say using baby powder helps, most say that it goes away when they changed their hand-washing habits.

  6. if your doctor says there no problem then don't worry. Some people are just like this - my brother has it to, and he buys this brillant hand deodorant that you put on before bed and wash off in the morning, and it is amazing, it's so much better now. The cost is higher then normal deodorant, but lasts ages and is definately worth it! you can get it any chemist or supermarket...

  7. Profuse Sweating. My friend suffered with this on the palms of her hands and underarm, she did'nt just sweat she was soaked all the time. Her doctor sent her for Botox injections into her armpits and palms, it worked! She needs it done about twice a year but she is so happy her life has totally changed. Look it up online you should find a clinic near you that does it. Botox is not just used for cosmetic enhancement it is used for many medical complaints and disorders. Good Luck.

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