
Is there any laws that cover harrassment from a video stores on lates fees?

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A video store let someone else rent 2 movies on my account and racked up a large fee, they keep harrassing me for the fees and this person was not on my account. Is they any laws that cover mom & pop video stores as far as laws?




  1. Sure there are.  Harassment is harassment, whether from a video store or anyone else, and it is illegal.  But the law does allow the store to try to collect its money, and they are allowed to call you to do that.  They are even allowed to lean pretty hard.

    What they may not do is _threaten_ you.  They cannot be abusive, they cannot use foul language, they cannot stop you on the street, and they cannot do or say anything that would make you feel physically unsafe.

    The best thing you could do in this situation is to have a lawyer write a letter (on his letterhead) to the company, telling them what you said here:  you don't owe the money, because they made the mistake of letting someone else rent the movies. (I'm assuming that there is nothing more to the story than you're telling.)  The lawyer would "remind" them of the law against harassment and the laws against what is called "defamation of credit" (where they threaten your credit rating).  He would tell them that you  intend to protect your rights.  Etc., etc.

    Lawyers write this kind of letter all the time.  They are not expensive (maybe $100 or so), and it might be money well spent to get them off your case.  

    But, of course, it IS money you would have to spend, so you should think about whether you can live with whatever they can try to pull.  You could screen your calls--just don't answer the phone until you know who it is.  Then, if they leave an abusive message on your tape, you would have real evidence against them if you need it.  Or, you could change your number and go unlisted.  That's a pain in the neck, of course, but it might persuade them to stop.  Or, you could escalate the calls.  You could call the owner or manager of the store, and explain to him (firmly but politely) what his employees did to s***w things up. But be careful how you handle yourself, or you could wind up on the wrong end of the harassment charge.  

    You probably don't need to pay a lawyer (yet).  But keep it in mind, and if they actually try to take you to court or something, then you need a lawyer for sure.

    I hope this helps.  Good luck!!

  2. use your calller ID....just stop picking up the phone.

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