
Is there any leader who is as intelligent and as legitimate as Robert Mugabe at the moment?I need to know pliz

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Is there any leader who is as intelligent and as legitimate as Robert Mugabe at the moment?I need to know pliz




  1. David Davies (he ran for leadership) had the same pointless election.

  2. George W. Bush.

  3. So Mugabe is intelligent and legitimate, pull the other one, you'll be telling me, Jordan, Kerry Kantona are good looking shortly.  May I say your head is full of magic . Wake up

  4. Mugabe is not intelligent or legitimate!

    He is a violent, racist, tribalist, nepotistic, dictatorial, inefficient, cruel, dishonest, corrupt, lazy idiot.

    In 1980 Zimbabwe was a rich country by African standards, with a strong economy, efficient agriculture, decent health care and school systems, and a decent level of life expectancy.

    Now it is a poverty stricken, lawless, violent country, with hyper inflation, a destroyed health and education system, racist and tribal murders and the farming and economic infrastructure in tatters!

  5. The slug on my lettuce leaf is president of my allotment, apparently. He is on a level with Mugabe.

  6. put the cream in with the sugar and then just stir for me cos it seems ur good at it.

  7. Several, regrettably.

  8. I think the leader of North Korea would be a match for Mugabe. They have both lead their respective countries to the edge of famine, human rights are ignored, and corruption is rife.

  9. Mugabe? Intelligent?

    When Pigs Fly

  10. I take it you're being sarcastic?

    Mugabe IS very intelligent, or at least he used to be.  Now he is a very old man, and who knows what is driving him now?  He may be suffering from some form of dementia, or it may be some type of personality defect that has overcome him.  Either way, he is definitely no longer thinking rationally.  No sane person could believe they are doing a good job, when they've turned the most productive nation in Africa into a wasteland.

    As far as legitimacy is concerned - he has none.  He lost the election , despite his attempts to rig it.  He then set up the farcical second election, and made sure it was totally unworkable, by killing hundreds and terrifying millions.

  11. Mugabe is down there with the worst of them bro.

  12. gordon brown,

    he is driving people out of this country and slowly killing people without being physical,

    higher taxes, mean more money for him and his puppets to buy their 2nd homes and john lewis kitchens.

    good old brown NOT !!!

  13. Mugabe is definitely intelligent in the bad kind of way. We could compare his intelligence to that of Hitler or Saddam Hussein, but then we know how they both ended. He certainly took excellent advantage of the situation in Zimbabwe. There was a real issue, land redistribution, but unfortunately the wrong leader was in power...

    At the Independence of Zimbabwe in 1980, the British established as a condition that the whites Zimbabweans who represented 2.5% of the total population should retain control of the police, army, navy, all the land they then held (over 45% of the nation's surface area or over 65% of the best agricultural land) and 20% of the political seats and the administration. If you read about racism in Europe (see Wikipedia link below) you will realise that the Zimbabweans have been far more tolerant than their European counterparts...

    Which western leader can look a Zimbabwean in the face and say that that would be a perfectly acceptable situation in their own western nation with a majority white population and with an equivalent black minority controlling that much national wealth....

    Mugabe just happened to be there at the right time to take advantage of the situation, nobody really wants him. They just worry that getting rid of him means losing the land they've recovered and that was forcibly taken from their ancestors by British colonial forces.

    The land should stay redistributed but Mugabe should go

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