
Is there any legitimate home businesses?

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Is there any legitimate home businesses?




  1. You always have to remember that you have to spend money going into a business thats what a business is its about taking risks. If its "free" its called a job. If you want to help people usana health and sciences would be the way to go...we are one of the top small business in the united states according to Forbes magazine (i left the website below).Our products are changing people's lives and this is why tens of thousand people re-order each month.

    This may not be something the you are looking for, but we are looking for individuals interested in helping others live a healthier life and make some money doing it.

    If you want more info check out the other website below and if you want direct info from me go ahead and email me.

    We can get you started right away but you will need my help so email me.

    im 20 and have only been in it 4 months i had my doubts the first couple of months but now i am making about 600 dollars a week i plan on hitting my 1000 dollar goal in about 3 to 4 months! how ever hard you work is how fast your are going to see your money...we get paid weekly...i have school to pay for so you can imagine i worked extremely hard to get where i am today!

  2. If you're looking for a get rich quick scheme type of home based business, then no there's not.  But if you can use a little creativity, and come up with a legal and legitimate service that will interest the public, then yes, there are many people out there who have legitimate home based businesses.

  3. Here are my suggestions on finding a legitimate opportunity that's right for YOU:

    - Set your financial goals -- Are you just looking for extra income or a potential full-time income?  How long (and hard) are you willing to work to meet your goal?

    - Determine if you are looking for a JOB or a BUSINESS -- there is a distinct difference between the two and you want to focus your energies appropriately for the best results.

    - If looking for a JOB, what are your marketable skills and previous experiences?  If you are looking for a BUSINESS, go with your passions, things that interest and motivate you the most.  Build a list and use that to begin your search.  General rule of thumb:  Never pay for a job (businesses, on the other hand, usually involve some expenses).

    - Review your budget -- know ahead of time what you are willing and able to invest into your business, including start-up costs and ongoing maintenance and promotion.

    - Find a rep to contact, check out their websites, ask questions, do your own independent research.

    - I personally also check out a company's status and consumer feedback on and

    Hope this info helps get you started.  Best wishes!

  4. Go to

    this is a real job you can do from your home and make money doing it.

    check out the movie then send me an email or if you like check out the movie then call me 563-529-5291

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