
Is there any life on another planet and is there any proof?

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Is there any life on another planet and is there any proof?




  1. There appears to be tantalising evidence but concrete proof No!

  2. There is no substantial proof of life on other planets, but I think there is. I mean, it's almost narcissistic to think that we are the only life in this universe. It is entirely that there is life out there, but only as advanced as bacteria or single celled organisms. But, there may be incredibly advanced life that are way past us in evolution and technology. The human race may never know.

  3. Sorry no proof----- however if you think about the vast universe-- it would NOT be unreasonable to suppose that life exists somewhere else.

  4. No one has ever actually found any native life forms or remains of dead native life forms on any planet or object besides the Earth. However, the existence of life on Earth shows that life could at least conceivably exist elsewhere in the Universe, and suggests that there is a good chance that it does. If so, it is quite probable that we will find such life in the future, although by the time we do it may not be as interesting to us as it would be right now.

  5. No.  No proof whatsoever.

    But we have good reason to speculate that there is indeed life elsewhere.  We can speculate the conditions that created life here could easily have happened of millions of other occasions in other parts of the Universe.

    But there is no way to know this for sure.

  6. The answer, so far, appears to be no, and no.

    There is, however, an organisation called Search for Extra-Terrestial Intelligence or SETI which is run by Berkeley University in the United States, searching for alien radio signals and other indicators of intelligent life.

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