
Is there any logical explanation for mcain choosing palin for vp?

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She was governor for a year and a half,and mayor of a town with a population of 7,000,is mcain doing it just to brig in some fememine votes?or to be like obama?with such little experience how could mcain choose her for vp?when hi motto is his experince?




  1. You're exactly right, he's pandering for female votes.  I would love to see a woman Vice President, but Palin with her inexperience is NOT the right choice.

  2. How about the fact that she is a strong conservative woman with a reputation for fighting corruption!

  3. the fundamentalist vote

  4. she's a young face... so he can say "she's fresh... she's going to change things"

    but she's pretty hard core conservative, so she will appeal to the base...

    I'm not sure what she wants to change though... haven't really heard that...

  5. and some other dude voted present 140 times and had 4 months in the Senate before he thought he qualified to be president

    who could that be???

  6. Sure is. She's a pro-life, pro-gun woman. She also brings many a fantasy to the stodgy old men of the GOP.

    This wasn't Senator McCain's pick. This was a pick made by the powers that be, Senator McCain barely knew Governor Palin existed last month. It's a pick to entice women and the family values and religious right people, period.

  7. Sure - she secures the bible-thumping vote, maybe some independent women, and what the h**l? He really didn't have anything to lose after looking at the polls and the electoral map. But logical is one thing - the real question is whether there is any moral explanation.

  8. No one else wanted any part of a LOSING TICKET!

    Welcome to Pig's Eye Minnesota !

  9. She's everything McCain is not.  McCain has received much criticism due to his age and health.  She is young and the youth vote is overwhelmingly supportive of Obama.  She is attractive (to some).  She is female and perhaps the McCain campaign feels they will be able to attract even more disgruntled Hillary supporters or woman who otherwise would have voted for Obama.  Also, her addition to the ticket would make a McCain administration an historic event as would be an Obama administration.  Palin also has a reputation of being a "strong conservative" which may help to appease those in the Republican Party base that feel that McCain is too much of a moderate.  It is certainly a risky pick, however, it also has the potential to seriously shake-up the race.  Personally I feel that it was slightly irresponsible to put someone so inexperienced within a heartbeat of the presidency given McCain's age and potential health issues.

  10. The only thing she is known for is her radical campaigns against abortions, against g**s and for guns. John McCain just declared his campaign is a smear campaign and will only focus on wedge issues. That's why he chose her.

    The fact that she's been a mayor for a town of 5000 and 1st term governor who has admitted she doesn't pay attention to foreign policy, national issues or Iraq doesn't mean a thing to a campaign that is focused on wedge issues. I'm still shocked they chose someone that is currently under investigation for corruption charges in a state with the most corrupt government in the U.S. Ah well, hope he doesn't win and die. Then what?

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