
Is there any longboarders out there ?!?

by Guest33124  |  earlier

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Okay so I longboard , but i just recently started like middle of july . I liked it so much that I got my own . Anyways , I was doing really good , you know i just stayed on level ground though . So i started going a little down hill , to where when i reached the bottom , it was about 4 inches steep . I did that for a while , but one time i lost control and the board slipped out from under me , i got my leg scratched up, nothing serious. So I was a little nervous to get back on , but I did . And i was going down a street , it was a little down hill . Well I got to the point where i was going a little fast , so I was scared to put my foot down to stop . Well i was getting close to an intersection so i knew i had to , so i did and i frieken biffed it . I mean i got banged up pretty bad . I had road rash on my stomach , thigh , and i had it big time on my shoulder and elbow. I also got a big gash in my hand and a little cut on the knee . So now I'm like traumatized to ride . But my cousin and I went to a park , and we longboarded a little bit , but I'm scared to go as fast as I did when i first started . In fact , i'm scared to do it at all . Does anyone have any advice for me ?! I am in desperate need . He is here now , we are about to go and try to powerslide , but first i need to get comfortable on it . And also , the trucks are really loose , i can't seem to get them tight . Could it be that there is spacers in between , and is it easier to ride with tighter trucks ! PLEASE HELP !!




  1. try tightening your trucks so you wont wobble too much..ive done it before and it sucks. also try wearing elbow pads and knee pads..wont hurt as much when u fall. and just go for it

  2. Longboards are typically harder to stop on a dime then a regular skateboard. I ride on a 31.5' Alien Workshop skateboard, and have no problems stopping. Skating is all about dominating your fear. Once you have come to terms with it, nothing can stop you.

    About the trucks, take them off, and then reapply them, making sure the hardware is in properly, and is set according to your preference.

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