
Is there any lucky drw organised by yahoo uk bearing first prize of 1.50000 pound?

by  |  earlier

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Is there any lucky drw organised by yahoo uk bearing first prize of 1.50000 pound?




  1. Nope, more than likely you've received an e-mail claiming you've won a huge prize fund for a yahoo lottery draw that you never entered.

    Fraud. Remember, if you haven't entered something, you can't win something, so it's a fake trying to lure you to give them your bank account details or other personal information, no doubt.

  2. No, do not reply to this email it is a SCAM. I received one like it but I checked it out before replying and I found this:

    Please be very careful, when receiving emails like this, always check them out. Hope this has helped.

  3. Nope. Did you buy a ticket for a draw? Thought not, it is a scam. Report it and trash it.

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