
Is there any medicine to make you less nervouse?

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Is there any medicine to make you less nervouse?




  1. There is a supplement that is called HTP-5 that is excellent to restore you.  You can find at Walgreen's or a health food store.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Different things work for different people. It is possible weed would help, but it could make you more nervous (depends on the  weed strain too).  Same with valarian, different for different people.

    I can recomend:

    Kava kava (extract is easy to consume)

    Passion flower (as tea)

    Tulsi (Holy Basil) (as tea)

    Lavender (as aroma therapy)



    acupuncture (by a reputable practitioner who comes reccomended ) and their prescribed herbs.

  3. Bach Flower Essences are useful. To learn more about them, take a look at the free online course at


  4. Try GabaCalm by Source Naturals or Bach Rescue Remedy.  They are both Natural supplements that calm you down.  GabaCalm is a neurotransmitter that is naturally produced in your brain to calm you down.  Bach Rescue Remedy is an herbal remedy made from certain flowers made into a tincture.

    Lavender and chamomile are also good.

  5. what's the cause of your nervousness?

    I find that medications don't really help if you don't deal with the root cause.

    How long have you suffered with this nervousness?

    I need to know because it helps with what I can suggest for you.

  6. alcohol...if you're already nervous, weed will probably have the opposite effect

  7. As in what kind of nervous? If you're talking like a social anxiety/ocd disorder, then there are anti-deppresants like Lexipro and Paxil.

    If you mean like the nerves that come with performance anxiety (i.e, music performance, stagefright) then Beta blockers can be used. this blocks adrenaline.

    However, as always, the best remedy for nervousness involves increased exercise and deep breathing.

    good luck!

  8. No alcohol, no weed; those are drugs and are harmful to your body.

    Chamomile is good and so is Valerian Root. I reviewed a drink with these two things in them and I was seriously calm afterwards:

  9. meditation.

  10. Weed

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