
Is there any more that i can do?

by  |  earlier

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i drive 2 large suv'S and have removed the emmission devices on them, i do not recycle anything,i pollute and litter and have dumped used motor oil in the ocean and lakes, and burn off the plastic coating on copper wire to chash in in the copper there any more that i can do to help destroy the earth and ozone layer..




  1. I suggest maybe heating your home with cut up used tires. They give off alot of heat and really smoke alot.

  2. Attend a "environmental awareness" concert like the one Al Gore put on, which took the power of 100,000 trees.

    At least waste energy IN THE NAME of environmentalism.

  3. you talking c**p lol

  4. your slippin you recycled copper

  5. Oh're just starting.   Use all the plastic bags you can. Throw your old batteries in a ditch somewhere.  Cut the trees off your property.   Use as many incandescent bulbs as you can, and leave them on even when you don't need them.  Use the strongest pesticides you can find, and really pour it on.  Buy only those books and magazines that do NOT use recycled paper.  Become a trapper, and buy lots of furs for your wife.  Encourage everyone you know to not make contributions to PETA, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, or any other animal protection, or environmental organization.  Buy as many leather products as you can.  Never use an artificial Xmas tree....use only real ones.   Run your home A/C anytime it is over 75.  Take LONG relaxing showers.   Support residential development in riparian areas, or secluded valleys with lots of animal life.   Support other countries rights to hunt whales.  When driving, and you finish a can of coke, or finish a burger...just toss out the can, or the wrapper...or any other trash you have in the car.   Don't forget to do all the extra and uneccessary driving that you can.   I hope these ideas help.  Good luck.

  6. You must be one of the rich snobs that i hate . If your not your acting just like them and doing the same as them besides burning copper they have people doing that for them .  Being your doing it yourself your just a wannabe

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