
Is there any more to McCain other than he was a POW and an Adulterer ?

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Seriously,besides his Wonderful and I mean that sincerely,,and the fact he had an affair while he was still married,,is there ANYTHING else to the man that qualifies him to be president ??He votes with Bush by his own words,,90percent of the time,,and thinks the economy is basically sound..(his words) 80 percent of the country thinks America is on the wrong track,,but he wants more of the same!! Can America take four more years of the SAME? L H




  1. I think McCain would be an outstanding Minority Leader in the Senate.  He has 26 years experience.

  2. Basically, I think that both candidates suck. BUT we do NOT want Obama anywhere near the Oval Office thank you very much. And hopefully Palin will change McCain. Put your faith in Palin and I think the republican party is better by far than the democrats.  

  3. McCain would still be better then NObama, a racist and drug user.

  4. nope, that's a about it. great observation

  5.   It's refreshing to see you Obamabots back to the same rehashed and worn out claims about McCain.  It shows your running out of Palin smears and lies.

      Answer:  YES.   You have decided these are the only 2 issues McCains represents and NOBODY could change your mind......if they cared anyway.

      Vote for Obama, so he can approve the Illegal Immigration Bill and give MILLIONS of illegal immigrants AMNESTY.   Those MILLIONS in addition to teh MILLIONS who will flood this Country IF Obama get's elected.  hats just what we need for our economy.  Good Luck.

  6. Uh...lemme see....well.... NO.

    Wait: he worked for $indy's daddy for a while, other than that, he's been sucking the Federal teat since he was 18 and a midshipman at Annapolis. And yes, he got back pay, medals and promotions upon his POW release. Don't get me wrong: I spent a year in Vietnam (1968) in the Mekong Delta. I cannot even begin to imagine the horror of what he went through. I honor that. BUT: it doesn't qualify anyone to be Prez.

    Voting in a 90% lock-step with Bush is a predictor of what 8 more years of the same would be like? NO THANKS.

    Oh...and now HE'S for change? When ya got nuthin, steal the other guy's thunder? His arteriosclerosis/Alzheimer's is evident in his acceptance of KARL ROVE'S choice of VP shows him to be a puppet, with neocon arms so far up his butt that they are moving his lips. And his "let's share the credit" segment of his speech: just shows his lack of a package, no original, meaningful ideas. Get real, John-Boy.

    And Barracuda Sarah? Don't get me started.

    At last, this year I can vote FOR a team that spills over with intelligence and wit, grass-roots AND national, legislative experience. Go Obama/Biden.

  7. He is also a war monger and he cant wait to play with his new toys in the military

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