
Is there any natural remedies or cures for asthma?

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Is there any natural remedies or cures for asthma?




  1. Eating a whole clove of garlic because it is said to stimulate blood cells to flow faster.

  2. i use to have asthma but then i went hiking in a place with clean air everyday and after a while it stopped

  3. Yes, absolutely! Your best natural way is yoga and breathing techniques..

    Don't be fooled by believing that you can get beauty and health by anything you can put on or in the body, anything which comes in a bottle or box.

    Here is a very nice free yoga relaxation e-course for you, to discover more:

    All the best

  4. I've heard of people beating it by running so much they got over it but that's only in rare  cases

  5. yes there are......go to the following web page and read the product profile on Cordyceps....this food supplement strengthens the lungs and liver...among other things.....

  6. Unfortunately I don't believe that there is a cure,  however the key to controlling asthma is finding out what is "triggering' the asthma.

    Also possibly consulting a chiro practor may help.

  7. Yes, there is. It is called the Gesret method. It was developed in France and is very effective.

    If you Google "Gesret method asthma" you find info on the internet. Here f. ex.

    All the best to you!

    Lisa J

  8. I don't know of any cures, but I know something that helps you breathe a little easier. Hot water mixed with eucalyptus and tea tree oil. You can either have a hot bath with oils in the water, or a lean over a bowl of boiling water with the oils in the water.

    Exercise can help too, one of my younger cousins has asthma really bad asthma. Often when she's getting tight in the chest etc, my aunty takes her for a vigorous walk. If it's cold make sure you rug up, and don't worry about sweating, that will help you, especially if you have a hot bath or shower when you get home. Steam helps you breathe easier.  

  9. Well, there isnt any CURES for anything.

    I've heard of humidifiers working.

    My sister used to use one.

  10. as an asthma sufferer myself, i found that osteopathy worked so well. they massage the neck back and chest area and you may even find that some joints are out of place and they will put them back and you will find asthma easier to handle.

    there is no cure as yet but there are ways to help keep it at its lowest.

    good luck

  11. There are all-natural inhalers. They are made of mud and clay.

  12. Many different types from chiropractor to breathing techniques.  And also getting in great physical shape so the body can work better.  But difficult to do if you have asthma induced exercise.

    It depends on the type you have, either atrinsic or atrinsic; one is allergies to your environment, and the other is no allergies at all.  Your body just reacts to itself.

    I've been asthmatic for 30+ years and it's a very difficult disease to treat.  Just depends on how bad yours is.


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