
Is there any new chips in grocery store?

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Is there any new chips in grocery store?




  1. I just purchased Kettle Chips (lays) creamy cheese with chipotle

  2. I like Kettle Chips Spicy Thai and actually Target brand (Archer Farms) Wasabi chips are great.

    Also, Baji's sells Pappadum chips in flavors like tandoori, spicy mango chutney, cumin & garlic...... at Whole Foods.

    Terra Brand sells Sweets & Beets, they are good too.  It's beets & sweet potato chips.

  3. NRG Chips

    Think energy drink meets Potato chip

  4. Stacy's Chips. They're baked pita chips and super delicious.  They offer both sweet and savory flavors.

    If you're really bored w/ the chips selection in your local supermarket, I would suggest looking into ethnic supermarkets. They have the best chips with funky flavors. For example, Asian food markets have shrimp flavored chips.  It may sound gross, but I really enjoy them.

  5. i dont kno if you ll have this where your from, but if you ever see it or get the chance to, have ZAPPS chips. there really really really good.a

    im from new orleans, but my roomates arent and there obessesed with them. there delisicious i promise.

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