
Is there any new on the Duke of Edinburgh?

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I do hope he is going to be O.K. I've got a tenner on the 'Milk Snatcher' down at my local that she'll be the next 'celeb' to pop their clogs!




  1. Queen Elizabeth II's elderly husband Prince Philip left hospital on Sunday afternoon after spending three nights in care to treat a chest infection. He was to return to Windsor Castle to continue his recuperation. The Duke's engagements for Monday, including a dinner marking the State of Israel's 60th anniversary, have been cancelled.

  2. If he wasn't a member of the royal family, he would be in a dirty ward with DNR (do not resusitate) on his chart!  I don't really care what happens to him.

  3. I didn't know he was ill...hes knocking on tho so i don't suppose if its serious he will make a quick recovery..

  4. I am sure all decent people wish His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh well and a speedy recovery

  5. Get well soon HRH.  I love his 'gritty' remarks.

    Nothing new announced  (15.31) yet.

    God help the King Edward VII hospital if he picks up MRSA!!  - although I hardly think standards slip there.

  6. I didn't know that he was ill.

  7. yep according to the court of inquiry he had nothing to do with the death of diana

  8. please see my comments in answer to the proffs Q in General politics and government

  9. I had to laugh at Helloyou's answer about the MRSA.Very good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. i think he just has a chest infection, thats what it said on the news.

  11. The last news I heard was from 'The Jeremy Vine' Radio 2 show. The report was that The Duke of Edinburgh had a chest infection but was 'O.K.'

    What 'O.K.' means I am not sure. To use your example, I think that the doctors are hedging their bets. I've heard this sort of thing many times. "Yes, well, he did fall off a mountain but he is 'O.K." (If a doctor adds, "... at the moment" or, " ... as well as can be expected.", then you know you are in trouble!

    He needs someone to 'rub it better'.

    Other people in distress are not so lucky. I had a chest infection a while ago and neither you nor Jeremy Vine asked after me! My odds were given as even - half the people I knew wanted me to live and the other half ... well, I don't speak to them any more.

    For His Royal Highness, and for others who are ill, I am sure that there are people who have predeceased them who are looking down from heaven with interest.

    As for anyone, I hope that he is comfortable and that he will soon recover. What would we do without him?

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