
Is there any non deployment positions in the US Military?

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My husband was wondering so I thought I would ask...




  1. Don't join the military for benefits. If you can't sign willing to shed your blood don't do it sign at all.

  2. Everyone in the military is deployable. There are MOS's (military occupational specialties) that are less deployable than others but they all require a couple of years experience before you can fill these positions, in which time he could be deployed (example: drill instructors, recruiters). But deployment is not inevitable either way. I'm a SGT with 11 years in and I'm having a problem deploying right now. I'll get to go again eventually but you'd be shocked to know that there is a large number of soldiers on a volunteer waiting list to go. If your guy doesn't want to deploy then I'm glad he knows that. I even respect that, because it's not easy, especially if you have kids. And it's not for everyone. And no disrespect to anyone that doesn't go, but I'd rather be on the ground with someone who wants to be there. By the way, all of the military bands have toured the larger military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that's considered a deployment.

  3. There is always a chance if you are a drill instructor or recruiter you have smaller chance but they can always yank you out of that position.

  4. There are none. Not even the coast guard. The Coast Guard is in charge pf Port security in Iraq.

  5. Technically there are no non-deployable units however there are training units which will not deploy unless absolutely necessary . I served in one for years and the last time my  unit was deployed was vietnam so you can get activated however the training of new troops is often the priority.  

  6. Not a single one...

    There are jobs that may seem safer, but everybody is deployable.

    If he's going to join, do it for your country, not for whatever benfits he/you can suck out of the government...

  7. No not until there is an MOS with the description p***y

  8. good luck with that maybe if he can get promoted to a recruiter or di but even the coast guard goes out all branches will get deployed sometime.

  9. Anyone can be deployed even the band (rare but possible) my advice is to not join if he doesn't want to deploy

  10. Instructor or Student.  those are the only two  times you cannot be deployed..and it's not a sure thing if you are an Instructor.  

  11. Musicians with the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard Bands in Washington D.C. But, you have to be a professional musician, usually have a music-related degree and pass an audition. That's about it. Even the Coast Guard has a detachment at Bahrain Island in the Gulf.  

  12. No, all MOS's are deployable.  Although some jobs are outside the wire (anything combat arms) and some are not (finance and JAG)

    However, there are non-deployable units, they are mostly training units.

    If your husband is considering joining the military and doesn't want to deploy, consider the Air Force.  They do deploy, but their typical deployments are 4-6 months instead of the 12 or 15 months that the Army does or the 6-9 months that the Marines do or the 6 months gone, 6 months home that the Navy does while on sea duty.

  13. MOS? No. Unit? Yes, but you have to pay your dues first. My husband spend his first enlistment as an 0311 Infantryman being deployed almost constantly. Now he is still an 0311, but holds an Instructor billet with the School of Infantry which is non deployable. It is difficult to get such "guaranteed" non deployable positions, and usually you can only get them for one enlistment.  

  14. I would have to say the Coast Guard. My husband has been in for the past 7 years and he has never been deployed. Very "safe" branch in that sense. The only thing is if he has to go on a cutter he will be away for weeks at a time; not fighting in a war, though. Also, he loves it. Great career!  

  15. No.  One of the most basic requirements for service is that you be eligible and available for worldwide assignment at any time.  There are temporary exceptions such as for medical reasons but if you are not available for worldwide duty, you are ineligible for service.

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