Hello. Why is it so hard to be vegetarian when i need protein and vitamin b12?
I dont want to sound like a traitor. But i ate meat today. Beef. Ive been trying to pull it off and it worked for at least 4 weeks. Ive eaten nothing but tofu,salads,beans,nuts, fruit. I saw a nutrientist about a day ago and she said my body was lacking it...........and leads to stress.
Oh yeah, i heard that anything that has soy has female estrogen...........and you start growing b***s...........IM A FREAKING MALE.
The reason im pressuring this protien thing is that i want to body-build and be healthy. My blood type is O postive. I dont know what to do.....and everytime i eat an animal i feel ashamed. I dont know what to do. Its hard. Especially when you have a family that takes you out to eat almost everyday.