
Is there any official outer space tour?

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Is there any official outer space tour?




  1. Yes there is if you want to go to space camp? There is space camp its i believe in texas and one on the cape canaveral site. you must check it out. I know someone personally who has paid for his body to be put into a space shuttle when he dies he paid over 1 million for this and put into space just free flying. what a trip. and I know that you can do this as cremated remains but its gonna cost you.

    ALSO what made you want to go to outer space, are you a student that wants to know about this? What would you see besides Mars which is extremely cold up there now, would you want to live there in 200 yrs? it would be so far from your family and friends, no i pods in space no electricity either but i guess the space cammandos are thinking of this too/

    Good luck to you, i hope you can afford to go there not much to see except old dead rocks and mountain like.

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