
Is there any one doing sociology or is anyone a sociologist ?

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Is there any one doing sociology or is anyone a sociologist ?




  1. Sociology indeed exists as an academic discipline, with a methodology and analysis that makes it a science.  Yet the nature of sociology itself covers the whole spectrum of society.  In other words, we all "sociologize" by interacting in any culture.  A sociologist relies heavily on the views and perspectives of other people.  Anyone who lives and interprets any part of culture/society can be considered a sociologist.  This is what makes sociology so interesting.

  2. I am a junior in Sociology at Cleveland State, and I want to research my region's social structure and be a consultant for either local government, a think-tank, a non-profit that works in advocacy, fundraising, economic development, urban planning or policy making. Not enough institutions that work intimately with the public understand sociology when they make decisions. It leads to so many failed policies. ^___^

    I am also an urban planning major, which is an interdisciplinary program incompassing poli sci, econ, soc, and... just about everything into understanding the urban environment.

    What's up?

  3. I studied Sociology and Socio-Cultural Anthropology during my undergraduate.

    My focus area in Sociology was "Institutions, Deviance and Culture," which meant I was taking courses on a wide range of topics, including the formation of biomedical knowledge, mental disorder, television in society...  In any event, I consider myself to be a Marxian scholar, but would also consider Goffman to be an influence.  I'm not really all that into post-modern theories.

    I'm currently working on a Master's thesis on the political economy of sport and how it can influence patterns of migration (specifically looking at Russian hockey).  I'll be using Wallerstein's World Systems Theory.

    I've always laughed at the notion of being a "sociologist," as I've never considered it to exist outside of academic circles (i.e., I've never seen a sociologist who wasn't a university researcher).

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