
Is there any one thats a home nusist? and what about your degree of nudity(who can see you nude).?

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and do you think it's a good life style ?i'm a 21 year old girl and i'm an at home nudist.




  1. I am an in home nudist.   Members of my family can see me that way, including my younger sister, mom and step dad.

  2. We had (we've moved) a neighbor who was a nudist.  He only was nude indoors (of course). He actually was a very successful corporate attorney.   I had no opinion on his lifestyle.  On several occasions when he was working in his garden (he then had on shorts and a shirt) he would try to explain it to me but to me it made absolutely no sense.  He also belonged to a camping club where he would go in the summer where he joined other nudists who swam and boated and did other outdoor activities.  He said there was not more "s*x" than normal, in fact it was not for a "sexual" purpose.  I did have to ask him to keep the blinds closed that faced my sun porch because he had no shame and romped around nude day and night and I clearly did not enjoy it and didn't want my children to enjoy it.  It is a personal choice and I don't see a thing wrong with it as long as you are in the privacy of your own home.

    Peace & Love :)

  3. I am a full nude at home gal. I have two small boys who are learning about the naturalness of a human body. I now keep my shades closed because I live across the street from a rehab center and I am certain they have seen one of my family members  including myself nude. I also go with my family to nudist resorts in the D.R and some communities in N.J. We do not view the body as a sexual item. It is a beautiful thing to be taken care of. I am also very respectful of my neighbors and other people  who are not quite as comfortable. I do not get much company because I also ask guests to take off their shoes before entering our home.

  4. my mom is. but i prefer to only be nude with my boy friend i only let him see me. or in my room, or both lol

  5. Yes, I just started.  The only people I do not allow to see me nude is my family, it makes me feel weired.  Otherwise I don't care who sees me.  It is a very great life style.  Its a good way to socialize with participating friends because you feel less stressed when you are nude.  It is kind of hard to get used to being nude in front of people for me, but I eventually got used to it and I feel more confident.  If you are just planning to do it alone though its still beneficial.  You feel better about your body because its not always covered up.  Also your skin looks and feels better because you are letting it breath.  I tried it and I felt weired at first,  but now I can't go back.

  6. Only with my husband--he doesn't want to share.

  7. I don't wear clothes at home; just me and my wife around the house.

  8. I'm a home nudist mostly myself.  (Though, I have been nude outdoors a few times.)  Anyway, only one window would have a clear view of me being seen nude.  It's a very healthy lifestyle to fully feel comfortable and for body acceptance.

  9. Yes my wife and I never wear clothes at home. We belong to a nudist club and it is very relaxing!!!!

    It is just more comfortable without you body confind to clothes. American Association for Nude Recreation is a great source of information for nudism. They even have a wonderful brochure on the woman's perspective for nudism.


  10. I'm just the opposite. I very rarely ever just sit around my home nude. When I had a house with a pool (and a high fence) I often swam and sunned in the nude. If I'm not swimming, in a sauna or hot tub, or sunning, I really have no reason to go nude, yet I hate wearing a bathing suit to do any of the above mentioned activities. When I'm at a nude beach or resort I suppose anyone who is there can see me. I have no issue with that at all. If I still had a pool and could swim at home nude, I really wouldn't care if my neighbors could see me.

    If you enjoy being nude at home...great!

  11. another home nudist here.  not raised that way, but chose it later.  have taught my kids to be comfy "in their own skin," so to speak.  we are polite and careful with visitors, but very comfortable (usually fully nude) around immediate family and a few close friends.

  12. I flat out refuse to be naked!  I tend to be a very self conscious person about my body--I don't like a lot of things about it, in fact I hate everything about my body.  I don't let anyone see me nude.  I try not to look at myself in the mirror and if I did, I get nauseous and disgusted about how ugly I really am.  In your case, I guess it's a good thing that you're not shy about your appearance.

  13. We practice home and resort nudism.  At home we don't get super concerned in the morning about getting dressed until we have to head out to work.  And we go to a few resorts a year and hang out for a few days or a week.

    It's not a big deal, and probably 1000 people have seen me nude.

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