
Is there any open minded spouses, married to a closed minded spouse that are happily married together??

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  1. I am he is very old in his way of think he would like me to stay at home I'm 13 weeks prego, and just clean and what not there is no telling him any thing he just thinks he right I'm wrong lol.... i said we should try going to a birthing class now he said for what my mom can teach you right at home lol i was laugh so hard lol his mom took me to the class.

  2. doubtful, but hey, anythings possible

  3. I would say I am more close minded than my husband, we seem to balance each other...

  4. it depends.  a lot of people that are seen to be close minded are just very responsible.  others that are seen as open minded just have no morals or are gullible.  it's all a matter of labels in the end.  what matters is that people have a solid sense of connection that makes the marriage work.

  5. My dad is open minded and my mom is closed minded.  They are still married after 35 years, but that doesn't mean they are happy!  Closed minded people are too busy judging what everyone else is doing in order to be happy themselves.

  6. That cannot be possible.  Both would drive each other crazy.  THE most important thing in ANY successful marriage, is COMMUNICATION.  Closed minded people do NOT listen well, and open minded people never shut up.

  7. my husband is as closed minded as one can get and well me I am open mided we get along great .. but i ignore what he says most of the time

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