
Is there any other High Speed ISP companies besides Verizon and Comcast ?

by  |  earlier

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Comcast is planning to cut their services and I think Verizon is too expensive for the poor service they offer. These are the only two offered in my area and like to look for a better alternative.




  1. do you really think you'll use up 250 gigs a month?

    there are tons of isps, at&t, roadrunner, charter, etc you just need to check you phonebook or search to find some that are available to you.

    just think about it though, almost all the isp's are buzzing about doing the same thing, even verizon.

  2. There are usually only 2 carriers in an area - the telephone company and the cabler TV company.  Regardless of which provider you use, you use the carrier's wires.  And no carrier is going to sell you a competitor's service for less than their equivalent service.

  3. ♥♥♥ cavalier is very good and fast in the northeast

    pa. mi. oh. va etc..


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